[flake8] max-complexity = 6 inline-quotes = double max-line-length = 88 extend-ignore = E203 docstring_style=sphinx ignore = ; Found `f` string WPS305, ; Missing docstring in public module D100, ; Missing docstring in magic method D105, ; Missing docstring in __init__ D107, ; Found `__init__.py` module with logic WPS412, ; Found class without a base class WPS306, ; Missing docstring in public nested class D106, ; First line should be in imperative mood D401, ; Found wrong variable name WPS110, ; Found `__init__.py` module with logic WPS326, ; Found string constant over-use WPS226, ; Found upper-case constant in a class WPS115, ; Found nested function WPS602, ; Found method without arguments WPS605, ; Found overused expression WPS204, ; Found too many module members WPS202, ; Found too high module cognitive complexity WPS232, ; line break before binary operator W503, ; Found module with too many imports WPS201, ; Inline strong start-string without end-string. RST210, ; Found nested class WPS431, ; Found wrong module name WPS100, ; Found too many methods WPS214, ; Found too long ``try`` body WPS229, ; Found unpythonic getter or setter WPS615, ; Found a line that starts with a dot WPS348, ; Found complex default value (for dependency injection) WPS404, ; not perform function calls in argument defaults (for dependency injection) B008, ; Model should define verbose_name in its Meta inner class DJ10, ; Model should define verbose_name_plural in its Meta inner class DJ11, ; Found mutable module constant. WPS407, ; Found too many empty lines in `def` WPS473, ; Found missing trailing comma C812, per-file-ignores = ; all tests test_*.py,tests.py,tests_*.py,*/tests/*,conftest.py: ; Use of assert detected S101, ; Found outer scope names shadowing WPS442, ; Found too many local variables WPS210, ; Found magic number WPS432, ; Missing parameter(s) in Docstring DAR101, ; Found too many arguments WPS211, ; all init files __init__.py: ; ignore not used imports F401, ; ignore import with wildcard F403, ; Found wrong metadata variable WPS410, exclude = ./.cache, ./.git, ./.idea, ./.mypy_cache, ./.pytest_cache, ./.venv, ./venv, ./env, ./cached_venv, ./docs, ./deploy, ./var, ./.vscode, *migrations*,