import FieldSchema, { InputField, SelectField } from '@/components/dashboard/nodes/common/Fields'; import { DotbaseNodesEnum } from '@/components/dashboard/nodes/types/nodeTypes'; import { ClsHeaderSkeleton, DefaultContent, ToolbarSkeleton } from '@/components/dashboard/nodes/common/ToolbarSkeleton'; import { ValidatorContext } from '@/contexts/ValidatorContext'; import useDnDStore from '@/stores/useDnDStore'; import { AgentSelectionStrategyEnum, OAIModelsEnum } from '@/utils/enum'; import { InformationCircleIcon } from '@heroicons/react/24/outline'; import React, { memo } from 'react'; import { Handle, NodeToolbar, Position, NodeProps as ReactFlowNodeProps, useReactFlow } from 'reactflow'; const Hub: React.FC<ReactFlowNodeProps> = (props) => { const { errors } = React.useContext(ValidatorContext); const { updateNode } = useDnDStore(); const { getNode } = useReactFlow(); const [toolbarVisible, setToolbarVisible] = React.useState(false); const data = getNode(; const onAgentNameChange = (e: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => { const val =; updateNode(, { variableName: val }); }; const onMaxRoundsChange = (e: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLInputElement>) => { const val =; updateNode(, { maxRounds: parseInt(val) }); }; const onSpeakerSelectionChange = (e: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLSelectElement>) => { const val =; updateNode(, { agentSelection: val }); }; const onLLMChange = (e: React.ChangeEvent<HTMLSelectElement>) => { const val =; updateNode(, { selectedModel: val }); }; return ( <div className="rounded-sm bg-slate-500/10 text-white w-[266px] border-none"> <div className={`${DotbaseNodesEnum.HUB} flex justify-between items-center py-2`}> <div className="font-bold ml-2">HUB</div> <InformationCircleIcon width={20} className="text-gray-300 mr-2" onMouseEnter={() => setToolbarVisible(true)} onMouseLeave={() => setToolbarVisible(false)} /> <NodeToolbar isVisible={toolbarVisible} position={Position.Top}> <ToolbarSkeleton header={<ClsHeaderSkeleton name="Hub" />} content={ <DefaultContent name="Hub" description="is designed to enable agents to collaborate with each other. All agents should be included in a Hub to facilitate their communication and teamwork." docTeaser={`Group Name: Name of the group. (ex: HUB, my_dotbase_group, etc.)\n\nMax Rounds: The maximum rounds that the agents will iterate (default: 15).\n\nAgent Selection: the method for selecting the next speaker (default: "auto").\n• "auto": the next speaker is selected automatically by LLM.\n• "manual": the next speaker is selected manually by user input.\n• "random": the next speaker is selected randomly.\n• "round_robin": the next speaker is selected in a round robin fashion, i.e., iterating in the same order as provided in agents. LLM: Any large language model provided by OpenAI for the HubManager to consume.`} /> } /> </NodeToolbar> </div> <div className="pb-2 px-2 bg-slate-500/10 text-sm"> <FieldSchema field={ <InputField label="Group Name" type="text" required onChange={onAgentNameChange} value={data?.variableName} placeholder="my_dotbase_grp" /> } errors={errors?.[]?.variableName} /> <FieldSchema field={ <InputField label="Max Rounds" type="number" onChange={onMaxRoundsChange} value={data?.maxRounds} placeholder="15" /> } errors={errors?.[]?.maxRounds} /> <FieldSchema field={ <SelectField label="Agent Selection" onChange={onSpeakerSelectionChange} selected={data?.agentSelection} options={Object.values(AgentSelectionStrategyEnum)} /> } errors={errors?.[]?.agentSelection} /> <FieldSchema field={ <SelectField label="LLM" onChange={onLLMChange} selected={data?.selectedModel} options={Object.values(OAIModelsEnum)} /> } errors={errors?.[]?.selectedModel} /> </div> <Handle type="target" position={Position.Top} className="rounded-none border-none w-16 h-1" /> </div> ); }; export default memo(Hub);