from playwright.sync_api import sync_playwright import os from dotenv import load_dotenv from pathlib import Path def ensure_state_folder(): """Create state folder if it doesn't exist""" state_folder = Path("state") state_folder.mkdir(exist_ok=True) return state_folder def get_state_path(): """Get the full path to the login state file""" return Path("state/login_state.json") def login_and_save_state(username, password, phone_or_email, storage_path=None): if storage_path is None: storage_path = get_state_path() with sync_playwright() as p: # Ensure state folder exists ensure_state_folder() # If we already have a state file, we can return True if storage_path.exists(): print(f"[api_free_connector] - {storage_path} exists. Using existing state.") return True browser = p.chromium.launch(headless=False, slow_mo=1000) context = browser.new_context() page = context.new_page() # 1) Navigate to login page.goto("") page.wait_for_timeout(1000) # 2) Fill in username page.wait_for_selector('input[name="text"]', timeout=10000) page.fill('input[name="text"]', username)"Enter") try: # Attempt normal login flow page.wait_for_selector('input[name="password"]', timeout=5000) # reduced from 10000 page.fill('input[name="password"]', password)"Enter") # Wait for successful login page.wait_for_url(lambda url: "home" in url, timeout=5000) print("[api_free_connector] - Logged in successfully through normal flow.") except: print(f"[api_free_connector] - Normal login failed: Checking for unusual activity...") try: # Check for unusual activity challenge page.wait_for_selector('input[data-testid="ocfEnterTextTextInput"]', timeout=3000) # Fill in phone or username page.fill('input[data-testid="ocfEnterTextTextInput"]', phone_or_email)"Enter") page.wait_for_load_state("networkidle") # Enter password again after challenge page.wait_for_selector('input[name="password"]', timeout=5000) page.fill('input[name="password"]', password)"Enter") # Wait for successful login after challenge page.wait_for_url(lambda url: "home" in url, timeout=5000) print("[api_free_connector] - Logged in successfully after challenge.") except: print("[api_free_connector] - Error: Login failed - unusual activity flow could not be completed.") browser.close() return False # Save the current browser context's storage state to a file context.storage_state(path=str(storage_path)) print(f"[api_free_connector] - Storage state saved to {storage_path}.") browser.close() return True def post_tweet_with_saved_state(tweet_text, storage_path=None): if storage_path is None: storage_path = get_state_path() with sync_playwright() as p: # Create a new context with the previously saved state browser = p.chromium.launch(headless=False) context = browser.new_context(storage_state=str(storage_path)) page = context.new_page() # Now page is already logged in if state.json is still valid page.goto("") # Post a tweet tweet_box_selector = 'div[data-testid="tweetTextarea_0"]' page.wait_for_selector(tweet_box_selector, timeout=10000) page.fill(tweet_box_selector, tweet_text) # post_button_selector = 'div[data-testid="tweetButtonInline"]' post_button_selector = 'button[data-testid="tweetButtonInline"]' # page.wait_for_selector(post_button_selector, state="visible", timeout=20000) # Wait for visible page.wait_for_selector(post_button_selector, timeout=10000) page.wait_for_timeout(3000) print(f"[Twitter API Free Connector] - Tweet posted: {tweet_text}") browser.close() return True if __name__ == "__main__": """ Example usage. Replace the placeholders with your real credentials. 'phone_or_username' is used if the suspicious activity screen appears asking you to confirm via phone or username. """ load_dotenv() # Test post X_POST_TEXT = "Hello" # Ensure state folder exists and get state file path state_path = get_state_path() # check if login state exists if state_path.exists(): print(f"[INFO] {state_path} exists. Using existing state.") else: print(f"[INFO] {state_path} does not exist. Logging in and saving state.") login_and_save_state( username=os.getenv("X_USERNAME"), password=os.getenv("X_PASSWORD"), phone_or_email=os.getenv("X_PHONE_OR_EMAIL"), storage_path=state_path ) post_tweet_with_saved_state( tweet_text=X_POST_TEXT, storage_path=state_path )