import os # Os is used for interacting with the operating system from openai import OpenAI # OpenAI is used for interacting with the OpenAI API from .base_model import ModelInterface # Used for agent interface from dotenv import load_dotenv # Used for loading environment variables load_dotenv() # Load environment variables from .env file class OpenAIModel(ModelInterface): # OpenAIModel inherits from ModelInterface ''' OpenAI model implementation. ''' def __init__(self, my_api_key=None, model_name="gpt-4o"): ''' Initialize the OpenAI model. ''' # ai model setup self.model_name = model_name # Set the model type we want to use if my_api_key: self.client = OpenAI(api_key=my_api_key) else: self.client = OpenAI(api_key=os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY")) # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Helper to generate a response to a given prompt using the OpenAI API. # ------------------------------------------------------------------- def generate_response(self, prompt, **kwargs): """Generate a response to a given prompt using the OpenAI API. Args: prompt (str): The prompt to generate a response to. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments. Returns: str: The generated response. Example: >>> openai_model = OpenAIModel() >>> response = openai_model.generate_response("What is the weather in Tokyo?") """ if isinstance(prompt, str): return self.generate_response_from_string(prompt, **kwargs) elif isinstance(prompt, list[dict]): return self.generate_response_dictionary(prompt) # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Helper to generate a response to a given prompt using a list of dictionaries # ------------------------------------------------------------------- def generate_response_dictionary(self, prompt: list[dict]) -> str: """Generate a response to a given prompt using a list of dictionaries. Args: prompt (list[dict]): The prompt to generate a response to. Returns: str: The generated response. Example: >>> openai_model = OpenAIModel() >>> response = openai_model.generate_response_dictionary([{"role": "user", "parts": "What is the weather in Tokyo?"}]) """ try: response = # Create a chat completion with the OpenAI API model=self.model_name, # Set the model type we want to use messages=prompt # Set the prompt we want to use ) return response.choices[0].message.content.strip() except Exception as e: return f"Error generating response: {str(e)}" # ------------------------------------------------------------------- # Helper to generate a response to a given prompt using a string # ------------------------------------------------------------------- def generate_response_from_string(self, prompt, **kwargs): """ Description: Generate a response to a given prompt using a string. Args: prompt (str): The prompt to generate a response to. **kwargs: Additional keyword arguments. Returns: str: The generated response. Example: >>> openai_model = OpenAIModel() >>> response = openai_model.generate_response_from_string("What is the weather in Tokyo?") """ # Extract personality and style from kwargs, or use defaults from agent_template if kwargs: if "personality" in kwargs: personality = kwargs.get("personality") if "communication_style" in kwargs: communication_style = kwargs.get("communication_style") else: personality = "" communication_style = "" try: # instructions being sent to the ai model messages = [] # add personality and style to the instructions if personality or communication_style: persona_prompt = f"{personality} {communication_style}".strip() messages.append({ "role": "system", "content": persona_prompt }) # User message messages.append({ "role": "user", "content": prompt }) # generate the response # generate the response # response = # Create a chat completion with the OpenAI API # model=self.model_name, # Set the model type we want to use # messages=messages, # Set the prompt we want to use # temperature=0.7, # Set the temperature of the response # max_tokens=400, # Set the maximum number of tokens to generate # ) response = # Create a chat completion with the OpenAI API model=self.model_name, # Set the model type we want to use messages=messages # Set the prompt we want to use ) return response.choices[0].message.content.strip() except Exception as e: return f"Error generating response: {str(e)}" if __name__ == "__main__": openai_model = OpenAIModel() response = openai_model.generate_response("Tell me 10 one liners about crypto. put them as a json object") print(response)