2025-02-12 17:38:06 +05:30

658 lines
26 KiB

# Module: content_generator
# This module implements the ContentGenerator class for generating content for the agents.
# Title: Content Generator
# Summary: Content generator implementation.
# Authors:
# - @TheBlockRhino
# Created: 2025-01-02
# Last edited by: @TheBlockRhino
# Last edited date: 2025-01-09
# URLs:
# - https://arai-ai.io
# - https://github.com/ARAI-DevHub/arai-ai-agents
# - https://x.com/TheBlockRhino
# standard imports
import os
import shutil
import yaml
import json
from jinja2 import Template
import copy
# custom ARAI code imports
from models.base_model import ModelInterface
from utils.template_types import TemplateType
class ContentGenerator:
This class is responsible for generating content for the agents.
agents_config_dir (str): the directory to save the agent configurations
templates_dir (str): the directory to save the agent templates
agent_template_path (str): the path to the agent template
chain_prompts_path (str): the path to the chain prompts
def __init__(self):
"""Initialize the ContentGenerator class.
>>> content_generator = ContentGenerator()
# use relative path to get to project root (two levels up from utils)
project_root = os.path.dirname(os.path.dirname(__file__))
# Set the directories relative to project root
self.agents_config_dir = os.path.join(project_root, "configs")
self.prompts_dir = os.path.join(project_root, "prompts")
# Set the path for the chain prompt
self.chain_prompts_path = os.path.join(self.prompts_dir, "prompt_chaining.yaml")
# Set the paths for the templates
self.templates_dir = os.path.join(project_root, "templates")
self.master_template_path = os.path.join(self.templates_dir, "master.json")
self.tracker_template_path = os.path.join(self.templates_dir, "tracker.json")
self.agent_template_path = os.path.join(self.templates_dir, "agent.json")
self.season_template_path = os.path.join(self.templates_dir, "season.json")
self.episode_template_path = os.path.join(self.templates_dir, "episode.json")
self.profile_image_template_path = os.path.join(self.templates_dir, "profile_image.json")
self.profile_image_options_template_path = os.path.join(self.templates_dir, "profile_image_options.json")
self.chat_template_path = os.path.join(self.templates_dir, "chat_log.json")
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# Helper to create a new agent yaml file
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
def create_new_template_json(self, template_type: TemplateType) -> dict:
"""Create a new agent configuration based on the template configuration file.
template_type (TemplateType): the type of template to create
dict: the new agent configuration
ValueError: If the template type is invalid
>>> agent_config = create_new_template_json(TemplateType.MASTER)
>>> print(agent_config)
# 1. Ensure directory exist
os.makedirs(self.templates_dir, exist_ok=True)
# 2. Load the template configuration file
if template_type == TemplateType.MASTER:
template_path = self.master_template_path
elif template_type == TemplateType.TRACKER:
template_path = self.tracker_template_path
elif template_type == TemplateType.AGENT:
template_path = self.agent_template_path
elif template_type == TemplateType.SEASON:
template_path = self.season_template_path
elif template_type == TemplateType.EPISODE:
template_path = self.episode_template_path
elif template_type == TemplateType.PROFILE_IMAGE:
template_path = self.profile_image_template_path
elif template_type == TemplateType.PROFILE_IMAGE_OPTIONS:
template_path = self.profile_image_options_template_path
elif template_type == TemplateType.CHAT:
template_path = self.chat_template_path
raise ValueError(f"Invalid template type: {template_type}")
# 3. Load the template configuration file
with open(template_path, "r") as f:
template = json.load(f)
# 4. Return new configuration
return template
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# Helper to safely parse YAML from the LLM's response
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
def process_and_save_agent_response(self, response) -> dict:
"""Attempts to parse JSON from LLM text.
response (str): the response from the LLM
debug (bool, optional): whether to print debug information. Defaults to False.
dict: the parsed JSON
Exception: If there's an error parsing the JSON
>>> response = "```yaml\nname: John Doe\nage: 30\n```"
>>> parsed = process_and_save_agent_response(response)
>>> print(parsed)
# 1. response = self.fix_yaml_from_response(response, debug)
raw_save_path = self.save_raw_response(response)
print(f"raw_save_path is: {raw_save_path}")
# 2. response = self.save_processed_response(response, debug)
save_path = self.create_json_from_response(response)
print(f"save_path is: {save_path}")
# 3. load the yaml file into a dict
with open(save_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
# 3.1 load the yaml file into a dict
response = json.load(f)
except Exception as e:
print(f"process_and_save_agent_response. Error loading json file: {str(e)}")
return None
# 4. Agent directory
file_dir = os.path.join(self.agents_config_dir, "temporary")
print(f"file_dir is: {file_dir}")
# 5. Make sure the agent directory exists
os.makedirs(file_dir, exist_ok=True)
# 6. Move files to agent directory
saved_raw_path = self.move_file(raw_save_path, file_dir)
saved_processed_path = self.move_file(save_path, file_dir)
# 8. return the response
return response
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# Helper to save the raw response to a file
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
def save_raw_response(self, response) -> str:
"""Saves the raw response to a file.
response (str): the response from the LLM
debug (bool, optional): whether to print debug information. Defaults to False.
str: the path to the saved yaml file
Exception: If there's an error saving the response
>>> response = "```yaml\nname: John Doe\nage: 30\n```"
>>> save_path = save_raw_response(response)
>>> print(save_path)
# 1. create a file to save the response
save_path = os.path.join(self.agents_config_dir, "raw_response.json")
# 2. Ensure directory exists
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(save_path), exist_ok=True)
# 3. Save the response to the file
with open(save_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
return save_path
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error saving raw response to file: {str(e)}")
return None
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# Helper to create a yaml file from LLM text
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
def create_json_from_response(self, response) -> str:
"""Attempts to create a yaml file from LLM text.
response (str): the response from the LLM
str: the path to the saved yaml file
Exception: If there's an error saving the response
>>> response = "```json\nname: John Doe\nage: 30\n```"
>>> save_path = create_json_from_response(response)
>>> print(save_path)
# 1. strip out '''yaml and '''
# remove new lines and leading and trailing whitespace
response = response.replace("```json", "").replace("```", "").strip()
# 2. create a file to save the response
save_path = os.path.join(self.agents_config_dir, "processed_response.json")
# 3. Ensure directory exists
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(save_path), exist_ok=True)
# 4. Save the response to the file
with open(save_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
# yaml_string = yaml.dump(response, allow_unicode=True, default_flow_style=False)
# f.write(yaml_string)
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error creating json file from response: {str(e)}")
return save_path
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# Helper to rename file
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
def rename_file(self, old_path, new_name) -> str:
"""Renames a file.
old_path (str): the old path to the file
new_name (str): the new name of the file
str: the new path to the file
Exception: If there's an error renaming the file
>>> rename_file("tests/test.json", "test_new.json")
# 1. Ensure directory exists
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(old_path), exist_ok=True)
# 2. Rename the file
new_path = os.path.join(os.path.dirname(old_path), new_name)
os.rename(old_path, new_path)
return new_path
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error renaming file: {str(e)}")
return None
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# Helper to move file
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
def move_file(self, old_path, new_dir) -> str:
"""Moves a file.
old_path (str): the old path to the file
new_dir (str): the new directory to move the file to
str: the new path to the file after moving
Exception: If there's an error moving the file
>>> move_file("tests/test.json", "agents/test")
# 1. Ensure directory exists
os.makedirs(new_dir, exist_ok=True)
# 2. Move the file
new_path = os.path.join(new_dir, os.path.basename(old_path))
new_path = shutil.move(old_path, new_path)
return new_path
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error moving file: {str(e)}")
return None
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# Helper to add new agent data to the current agent data
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
def add_data_to_template(self, current_data, new_data) -> dict:
"""Adds new agent data to the current agent data.
new_data (dict): the new data
current_data (dict): the current data
dict: the updated agent data
Exception: If there's an error adding the data
>>> new_data = {"name": "John Doe", "age": 30}
>>> current_data = {"name": "Jane Doe", "age": 25}
>>> updated_data = add_data_to_template(new_data, current_data)
>>> print(updated_data)
# 1. ensure we have a dictionary to work with
if isinstance(current_data, str):
existing_data = json.loads(current_data)
elif isinstance(current_data, dict):
existing_data = current_data.copy()
existing_data = {}
# 2. Only update fields that already exist in existing_data
for key in new_data:
if key in existing_data:
existing_data[key] = new_data[key]
# 3. return the updated data
return existing_data
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# Helper to create filepath
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
def create_filepath(self, agent_name: str, season_number: int, episode_number: int, template_type: TemplateType):
"""Creates a filepath for the agent data.
agent_name (str): the name of the agent
season_number (str): the number of the season
episode_number (str): the number of the episode
template_type (TemplateType): the type of template
str: the filepath
Exception: If there's an error creating the filepath
>>> create_filepath("John Doe", "0", TemplateType.AGENT)
# 1. create the filepath based on the template type
if template_type == TemplateType.MASTER:
return os.path.join(self.agents_config_dir, agent_name, agent_name + "_master.json")
elif template_type == TemplateType.TRACKER:
return os.path.join(self.agents_config_dir, agent_name, "tracker" + ".json")
elif template_type == TemplateType.AGENT:
return os.path.join(self.agents_config_dir, agent_name, agent_name + ".json")
elif template_type == TemplateType.SEASON:
return os.path.join(self.agents_config_dir, agent_name, "season_" + str(season_number), "season_" + str(season_number) + ".json")
elif template_type == TemplateType.EPISODE:
return os.path.join(self.agents_config_dir, agent_name, "season_" + str(season_number), "s" + str(season_number) + "_episode_" + str(episode_number) + ".json")
elif template_type == TemplateType.PROFILE_IMAGE:
return os.path.join(self.agents_config_dir, agent_name, "profile_image.json")
elif template_type == TemplateType.PROFILE_IMAGE_OPTIONS:
return os.path.join(self.agents_config_dir, agent_name, "profile_image_options.json")
elif template_type == TemplateType.CHAT:
return os.path.join(self.agents_config_dir, agent_name, agent_name + "_chat_log.json")
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# Helper to save the agent data to a yaml file
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
def save_json_file(self, save_path: str, json_data: dict):
"""Saves the agent data to a JSON file.
save_path (str): The path to save the JSON file
json_data (dict): The data to save to the JSON file
str: the path to the saved json file
Exception: If there's an error saving the json file
>>> agent_data = {"name": "John Doe", "age": 30}
>>> save_json_file(filepath="tests/test.json", json_data=agent_data)
# 1. Ensure directory exists
os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(save_path), exist_ok=True)
# 2. Save the response to the file
with open(save_path, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
# Use json.dump() with the file object, not json.dumps()
json.dump(json_data, f, ensure_ascii=False, indent=2)
print(f"save_path is: {save_path}")
return save_path
except Exception as e:
print(f"Error saving response to json file: {str(e)}")
return None
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
# Generic prompt runner that works with any prompt template
# -------------------------------------------------------------------
def run_prompt(self, prompt_key, template_vars, ai_model, debug=False):
"""Generic prompt runner that works with any prompt template.
prompt_key (str): The key for the prompt template (e.g., "prompt_1", "prompt_2")
template_vars (dict): dict of variables to pass to the template
ai_model (ModelInterface): The AI model to use for generating responses
debug (bool, optional): whether to print debug information. Defaults to False.
dict: the parsed YAML
Exception: If there's an error running the prompt
>>> prompt_key = "prompt_1"
>>> template_vars = {"name": "John Doe", "age": 30}
>>> ai_model = OpenAI(api_key="your_api_key")
>>> parsed = run_prompt(prompt_key, template_vars, ai_model, debug=True)
>>> print(parsed)
# 1. Load the chain prompts from the JSON file
with open(self.chain_prompts_path, "r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
chain_prompts = yaml.safe_load(f)
# 2. Grab the raw prompt template text
prompt_template = chain_prompts[prompt_key]
# 3. Use Jinja2 to fill placeholders
template = Template(prompt_template)
prompt_text = template.render(**template_vars)
if debug:
print(f"prompt key is:")
print (prompt_key)
print(f"prompt text is:")
print (prompt_text)
# 4. Call the LLM
response = ai_model.generate_response(prompt_text)
if debug:
print(f"response is:")
# # 5. Parse the YAML from the LLM's response
json_response = self.process_and_save_agent_response(response)
if debug:
print(f"json_response is:")
print(f"json_response is a {type(json_response)}")
if json_response is None:
# Handle parse error or fallback
print(f"Error: LLM returned invalid JSON for {prompt_key}.")
return None
# 6. return json_response
return json_response
def merge_agent_details(self, master_data: dict, agent_data: dict) -> dict:
"""Merges agent details by replacing fields in master with agent data.
master_data (dict): The master template data
agent_data (dict): The agent-specific data to merge
dict: Updated master data with agent details
if isinstance(master_data, str):
master_data = json.loads(master_data)
# Deep copy to avoid modifying original
result = copy.deepcopy(master_data)
# Replace agent_details section
if "agent" in agent_data and "agent_details" in agent_data["agent"]:
result["agent"]["agent_details"] = agent_data["agent"]["agent_details"]
print("Error: agent_details not found in agent_data")
return result
def append_seasons(self, master_data: dict, seasons_data: dict) -> dict:
"""Appends new seasons data to existing master data.
master_data (dict): The master template data
seasons_data (dict): The seasons data to append
dict: Updated master data with appended seasons
if isinstance(master_data, str):
master_data = json.loads(master_data)
result = copy.deepcopy(master_data)
# Append new seasons to existing seasons list
if "seasons" in seasons_data:
if "seasons" not in result["agent"]:
result["agent"]["seasons"] = []
return result
def initialize_seasons(self, master_data: dict, seasons_data: dict) -> dict:
"""Initializes the seasons array in the master data.
master_data (dict): The master template data
seasons_data (dict): The seasons data to initialize
dict: Updated master data with initialized seasons
if isinstance(master_data, str):
master_data = json.loads(master_data)
# Deep copy to avoid modifying original
result = copy.deepcopy(master_data)
if "agent" in master_data and "seasons" in master_data["agent"]:
result["agent"]["seasons"] = seasons_data["seasons"]
#print(f"result is: {result}")
return result
def append_episodes(self, master_data: dict, posts_data: dict, season_index: int, episode_index: int) -> dict:
"""Appends new episodes data to existing season data.
master_data (dict): The master template data
episodes_data (dict): The episodes data to append
season_index (int): Index of the season to update
episode_index (int): Index of the episode to update
dict: Updated master data with appended episodes
if isinstance(master_data, str):
master_data = json.loads(master_data)
result = copy.deepcopy(master_data)
# Validate the nested structure exists
if "agent" not in result:
result["agent"] = {}
if "seasons" not in result["agent"]:
result["agent"]["seasons"] = []
if season_index >= len(result["agent"]["seasons"]):
result["agent"]["seasons"].append({"episodes": []})
if "episodes" not in result["agent"]["seasons"][season_index]:
result["agent"]["seasons"][season_index]["episodes"] = []
if episode_index >= len(result["agent"]["seasons"][season_index]["episodes"]):
# Replace posts array with new data
if "posts" in posts_data:
result["agent"]["seasons"][season_index]["episodes"][episode_index]["posts"] = posts_data["posts"]
return result
def append_profile_image_options(self, master_data: dict, profile_image_data: dict) -> dict:
"""Appends new profile image data to existing master data.
master_data (dict): The master template data
profile_image_data (dict): The profile image data to append
dict: Updated master data with appended profile image
if isinstance(master_data, str):
master_data = json.loads(master_data)
# Deep copy to avoid modifying original
result = copy.deepcopy(master_data)
# Append new profile image to existing profile image list
if "profile_image_options" in profile_image_data:
if "profile_image_options" not in result["agent"]:
result["agent"]["profile_image_options"] = []
# replace the profile image with the new profile image
result["agent"]["profile_image_options"] = profile_image_data["profile_image_options"]
#print(f"result is: {result}")
return result
def append_profile_image(self, master_data: dict, profile_image_data: dict) -> dict:
"""Appends new profile image data to existing master data.
master_data (dict): The master template data
profile_image_data (dict): The profile image data to append
dict: Updated master data with appended profile image
if isinstance(master_data, str):
master_data = json.loads(master_data)
# Deep copy to avoid modifying original
result = copy.deepcopy(master_data)
# Append new profile image to existing profile image list
if "profile_image" in profile_image_data:
if "profile_image" not in result["agent"]:
result["agent"]["profile_image"] = []
# replace the profile image with the new profile image
result["agent"]["profile_image"] = profile_image_data["profile_image"]
#print(f"result is: {result}")
return result
def get_agent_names_blacklist(self):
"""Get a list of agent names based on folder names in config folder."""
return [name for name in os.listdir(self.agents_config_dir) if os.path.isdir(os.path.join(self.agents_config_dir, name))]