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@ -0,0 +1,3 @@
"extends": ["next/core-web-vitals"]
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@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
# See for more about ignoring files.
# dependencies
# testing
# next.js
# production
# misc
# debug
# local env files
# vercel
# typescript
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@ -0,0 +1,40 @@
This is a [Next.js]( project bootstrapped with [`create-next-app`](
## Getting Started
First, run the development server:
npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
# or
pnpm dev
# or
bun dev
Open [http://localhost:3000](http://localhost:3000) with your browser to see the result.
You can start editing the page by modifying `pages/index.tsx`. The page auto-updates as you edit the file.
[API routes]( can be accessed on [http://localhost:3000/api/hello](http://localhost:3000/api/hello). This endpoint can be edited in `pages/api/hello.ts`.
The `pages/api` directory is mapped to `/api/*`. Files in this directory are treated as [API routes]( instead of React pages.
This project uses [`next/font`]( to automatically optimize and load Inter, a custom Google Font.
## Learn More
To learn more about Next.js, take a look at the following resources:
- [Next.js Documentation]( - learn about Next.js features and API.
- [Learn Next.js]( - an interactive Next.js tutorial.
You can check out [the Next.js GitHub repository]( - your feedback and contributions are welcome!
## Deploy on Vercel
The easiest way to deploy your Next.js app is to use the [Vercel Platform]( from the creators of Next.js.
Check out our [Next.js deployment documentation]( for more details.
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/** @type {import('next').NextConfig} */
const nextConfig = {
reactStrictMode: false,
export default nextConfig;
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@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
"name": "celestia",
"version": "0.1.0",
"private": true,
"scripts": {
"dev": "next dev",
"build": "next build",
"start": "next start",
"lint": "next lint"
"dependencies": {
"@react-three/drei": "^9.120.4",
"@react-three/fiber": "^8.17.10",
"@react-three/postprocessing": "^2.16.3",
"@supabase/supabase-js": "^2.47.9",
"axios": "^1.7.9",
"csv-parser": "^3.0.0",
"gsap": "^3.12.5",
"next": "14.2.18",
"react": "^18",
"react-dom": "^18",
"sass": "^1.82.0",
"three": "^0.171.0"
"devDependencies": {
"@types/node": "^20",
"@types/react": "^18",
"@types/react-dom": "^18",
"eslint": "^8",
"eslint-config-next": "14.2.18",
"postcss": "^8",
"tailwindcss": "^3.4.1",
"typescript": "^5"
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/** @type {import('postcss-load-config').Config} */
const config = {
plugins: {
tailwindcss: {},
export default config;
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Name,Constellation,Bayern Designation,Designation,Approval Date
Acamar,Eridanus,θ1 Eridani A,HR 897,2016-07-20
Achernar,Eridanus,α Eridani A,HR 472,2016-06-30
Achird,Cassiopeia,η Cassiopeiae A,HR 219,2017-09-05
Acrab,Scorpius,β1 Scorpii Aa,HR 5984,2016-08-21
Acrux,Crux,α Crucis Aa,HR 4730,2016-07-20
Acubens,Cancer,α Cancri Aa,HR 3572,2016-07-20
Adhafera,Leo,ζ Leonis Aa,HR 4031,2016-07-20
Adhara,Canis Major,ε Canis Majoris A,HR 2618,2016-08-21
Adhil,Andromeda,ξ Andromedae,HR 390,2016-08-21
Ain,Taurus,ε Tauri Aa1,HR 1409,2015-12-15
Ainalrami,Sagittarius,ν1 Sagittarii A,HR 7116,2017-09-05
Aladfar,Lyra,η Lyrae Aa,HR 7298,2017-09-05
Albaldah,Sagittarius,π Sagittarii A,HR 7264,2017-09-05
Albali,Aquarius,ε Aquarii,HR 7950,2016-09-12
Albireo,Cygnus,β1 Cygni Aa,HR 7417,2016-07-20
Alchiba,Corvus,α Corvi,HR 4623,2016-09-12
Alcor,Ursa Major,80 Ursae Majoris Ca,HR 5062,2016-06-30
Alcyone,Taurus,η Tauri A,HR 1165,2016-06-30
Aldebaran,Taurus,α Tauri,HR 1457,2016-06-30
Alderamin,Cepheus,α Cephei,HR 8162,2016-07-20
Aldhanab,Grus,γ Gruis,HR 8353,2017-09-05
Aldhibah,Draco,ζ Draconis A,HR 6396,2017-09-05
Aldulfin,Delphinus,ε Delphini,HR 7852,2017-09-05
Alfirk,Cepheus,β Cephei Aa,HR 8238,2016-08-21
Algedi,Capricornus,α2 Capricorni,HR 7754,2016-08-21
Algenib,Pegasus,γ Pegasi,HR 39,2016-06-30
Algieba,Leo,γ1 Leonis,HR 4057,2016-07-20
Algol,Perseus,β Persei Aa1,HR 936,2016-06-30
Algorab,Corvus,δ Corvi A,HR 4757,2016-07-20
Alhena,Gemini,γ Geminorum Aa,HR 2421,2016-07-20
Alioth,Ursa Major,ε Ursae Majoris A,HR 4905,2016-06-30
Aljanah,Cygnus,ε Cygni Aa,HR 7949,2017-06-30
Alkaid,Ursa Major,η Ursae Majoris,HR 5191,2016-06-30
Alkalurops,Boötes,μ1 Boötis Aa,HR 5733,2016-08-21
Alkaphrah,Ursa Major,κ Ursae Majoris A,HR 3594,2017-09-05
Alkarab,Pegasus,υ Pegasi,HR 8905,2017-09-05
Alkes,Crater,α Crateris,HR 4287,2016-09-12
Almaaz,Auriga,ε Aurigae,HR 1605,2017-02-01
Almach,Andromeda,γ Andromedae A,HR 603,2016-07-20
Alnair,Grus,α Gruis,HR 8425,2016-07-20
Alnasl,Sagittarius,γ2 Sagittarii,HR 6746,2016-08-21
Alnilam,Orion,ε Orionis,HR 1903,2016-07-20
Alnitak,Orion,ζ Orionis Aa,HR 1948,2016-07-20
Alniyat,Scorpius,σ Scorpii Aa1,HR 6084,2017-02-01
Alphard,Hydra,α Hydrae,HR 3748,2016-07-20
Alphecca,Corona Borealis,α Coronae Borealis,HR 5793,2016-07-20
Alpheratz,Andromeda,α Andromedae Aa,HR 15,2016-06-30
Alpherg,Pisces,η Piscium A,HR 437,2018-06-01
Alrakis,Draco,μ Draconis A,HR 6370,2017-02-01
Alrescha,Pisces,α Piscium A,HR 596,2016-08-21
Alruba,Draco,HD 161693,HR 6618,2018-06-01
Alsafi,Draco,σ Draconis,HR 7462,2017-06-30
Alsciaukat,Lynx,31 Lyncis,HR 3275,2017-06-30
Alsephina,Vela,δ Velorum Aa,HR 3485,2017-09-05
Alshain,Aquila,β Aquilae A,HR 7602,2016-08-21
Alshat,Capricornus,ν Capricorni A,HR 7773,2017-06-30
Altair,Aquila,α Aquilae,HR 7557,2016-06-30
Altais,Draco,δ Draconis,HR 7310,2016-08-21
Alterf,Leo,λ Leonis,HR 3773,2017-02-01
Aludra,Canis Major,η Canis Majoris,HR 2827,2016-07-20
Alula Australis,Ursa Major,ξ Ursae Majoris Aa,HR 4375,2016-07-20
Alula Borealis,Ursa Major,ν Ursae Majoris,HR 4377,2016-07-20
Alya,Serpens,θ1 Serpentis A,HR 7141,2016-08-21
Alzirr,Gemini,ξ Geminorum,HR 2484,2017-06-30
Ancha,Aquarius,θ Aquarii,HR 8499,2016-09-12
Angetenar,Eridanus,τ2 Eridani,HR 850,2017-06-30
Ankaa,Phoenix,α Phoenicis,HR 99,2016-07-20
Anser,Vulpecula,α Vulpeculae,HR 7405,2017-06-30
Antares,Scorpius,α Scorpii A,HR 6134,2016-06-30
Arcturus,Boötes,α Boötis,HR 5340,2016-06-30
Arkab Posterior,Sagittarius,β2 Sagittarii,HR 7343,2016-10-05
Arkab Prior,Sagittarius,β1 Sagittarii,HR 7337,2016-10-05
Arneb,Lepus,α Leporis A,HR 1865,2016-07-20
Ascella,Sagittarius,ζ Sagittarii A,HR 7194,2016-09-12
Asellus Australis,Cancer,δ Cancri Aa,HR 3461,2016-11-06
Asellus Borealis,Cancer,γ Cancri Aa,HR 3449,2016-11-06
Ashlesha,Hydra,ε Hydrae A,HR 3482,2018-06-01
Aspidiske,Carina,ι Carinae,HR 3699,2016-07-20
Asterope,,,HR 1151,2016-08-21
Athebyne,Draco,η Draconis A,HR 6132,2017-09-05
Atik,Perseus,ο Persei A,HR 1131,2016-09-12
Atlas,Taurus,27 Tauri Aa1,HR 1178,2016-08-21
Atria,Triangulum Australe,α Trianguli Australis,HR 6217,2016-07-20
Avior,Carina,ε Carinae A,HR 3307,2016-07-20
Azelfafage,Cygnus,π1 Cygni,HR 8301,2016-09-12
Azha,Eridanus,η Eridani,HR 874,2016-09-12
Azmidi,Puppis,ξ Puppis,HR 3045,2018-06-01
Barnard’s Star,Ophiuchus,V2500 Ophiuchi,GJ 699,2017-02-01
Baten Kaitos,Cetus,ζ Ceti Aa,HR 539,2016-09-12
Beemim,Eridanus,υ3 Eridani,HR 1393,2017-06-30
Beid,Eridanus,ο1 Eridani,HR 1298,2016-09-12
Bellatrix,Orion,γ Orionis,HR 1790,2016-06-30
Betelgeuse,Orion,α Orionis Aa,HR 2061,2016-06-30
Bharani,Aries,41 Arietis Aa,HR 838,2017-06-30
Biham,Pegasus,θ Pegasi,HR 8450,2016-08-21
Botein,Aries,δ Arietis,HR 951,2016-09-12
Brachium,Libra,σ Librae A,HR 5603,2017-09-05
Bunda,Aquarius,ξ Aquarii A,HR 8264,2018-06-01
Canopus,Carina,α Carinae A,HR 2326,2016-06-30
Capella,Auriga,α Aurigae Aa,HR 1708,2016-06-30
Caph,Cassiopeia,β Cassiopeiae A,HR 21,2016-06-30
Castor,Gemini,α Geminorum Aa,HR 2891,2016-06-30
Castula,Cassiopeia,υ2 Cassiopeiae,HR 265,2017-09-05
Cebalrai,Ophiuchus,β Ophiuchi,HR 6603,2016-08-21
Celaeno,Taurus,16 Tauri,HR 1140,2016-08-21
Cervantes,Ara,μ Arae,HR 6585,2015-12-15
Chalawan,Ursa Major,47 Ursae Majoris,HR 4277,2015-12-15
Chamukuy,Taurus,θ2 Tauri Aa,HR 1412,2017-09-05
Chara,Canes Venatici,β Canum Venaticorum Aa,HR 4785,2016-07-20
Chertan,Leo,θ Leonis,HR 4359,2016-07-20
Copernicus,Cancer,55 Cancri A,HR 3522,2015-12-15
Cor Caroli,Canes Venatici,α2 Canum Venaticorum Aa,HR 4915,2016-07-20
Cujam,Hercules,ω Herculis A,HR 6117,2017-02-01
Cursa,Eridanus,β Eridani,HR 1666,2016-07-20
Dabih,Capricornus,β1 Capricorni Aa,HR 7776,2016-08-21
Dalim,Fornax,α Fornacis A,HR 963,2017-09-05
Deneb,Cygnus,α Cygni,HR 7924,2016-06-30
Deneb Algedi,Capricornus,δ Capricorni Aa,HR 8322,2017-02-01
Denebola,Leo,β Leonis,HR 4534,2016-06-30
Diadem,Coma Berenices,α Comae Berenices A,HR 4968,2017-02-01
Diphda,Cetus,β Ceti,HR 188,2016-08-21
Dschubba,Scorpius,δ Scorpii A,HR 5953,2016-08-21
Dubhe,Ursa Major,α Ursae Majoris A,HR 4301,2016-06-30
Dziban,Draco,ψ1 Draconis A,HR 6636,2017-09-05
Edasich,Draco,ι Draconis,HR 5744,2015-12-15
Electra,Taurus,17 Tauri,HR 1142,2016-08-21
Elgafar,Virgo,φ Virginis A,HR 5409,2018-06-01
Elkurud,Columba,θ Columbae,HR 2177,2018-06-01
Elnath,Taurus,β Tauri Aa,HR 1791,2016-07-20
Eltanin,Draco,γ Draconis,HR 6705,2016-08-21
Enif,Pegasus,ε Pegasi,HR 8308,2016-07-20
Errai,Cepheus,γ Cephei Aa,HR 8974,2015-12-15
Fafnir,Draco,42 Draconis A,HR 6945,2015-12-15
Fang,Scorpius,π Scorpii Aa,HR 5944,2017-06-30
Fawaris,Cygnus,δ Cygni A,HR 7528,2018-06-01
Felis,Hydra,HD 85951,HR 3923,2018-06-01
Fomalhaut,Piscis Austrinus,α Piscis Austrini A,HR 8728,2015-12-15
Fulu,Cassiopeia,ζ Cassiopeiae,HR 153,2017-06-30
Fumalsamakah,Pisces,β Piscium,HR 8773,2018-06-01
Furud,Canis Major,ζ Canis Majoris Aa,HR 2282,2016-07-20
Fuyue,Scorpius,G Scorpii,HR 6630,2017-06-30
Gacrux,Crux,γ Crucis,HR 4763,2016-07-20
Giausar,Draco,λ Draconis,HR 4434,2017-02-01
Gienah,Corvus,γ Corvi A,HR 4662,2016-11-06
Ginan,Crux,ε Crucis,HR 4700,2017-11-19
Gomeisa,Canis Minor,β Canis Minoris A,HR 2845,2016-07-20
Grumium,Draco,ξ Draconis A,HR 6688,2016-09-12
Gudja,Serpens,κ Serpentis,HR 5879,2018-08-10
Guniibuu,Ophiuchus,36 Ophiuchi A,HR 6402,2018-08-10
Hadar,Centaurus,β Centauri Aa,HR 5267,2016-08-21
Haedus,Auriga,η Aurigae,HR 1641,2017-06-30
Hamal,Aries,α Arietis,HR 617,2016-07-20
Hassaleh,Auriga,ι Aurigae,HR 1577,2017-06-30
Hatysa,Orion,ι Orionis Aa,HR 1899,2017-09-05
Helvetios,Pegasus,51 Pegasi,HR 8729,2015-12-15
Heze,Virgo,ζ Virginis A,HR 5107,2018-06-01
Homam,Pegasus,ζ Pegasi A,HR 8634,2016-08-21
Iklil,Scorpius,ρ Scorpii Aa,HR 5928,2017-09-05
Imai,Crux,δ Crucis,HR 4656,2018-08-10
Intercrus,Ursa Major,41 Lyncis,HR 3743,2015-12-15
Izar,Boötes,ε Boötis A,HR 5506,2016-08-21
Jabbah,Scorpius,ν Scorpii Aa,HR 6027,2017-06-30
Jishui,Gemini,ο Geminorum,HR 2930,2017-06-30
Kaffaljidhma,Cetus,γ Ceti A,HR 804,2017-02-01
Kang,Virgo,κ Virginis,HR 5315,2017-06-30
Kaus Australis,Sagittarius,ε Sagittarii A,HR 6879,2016-07-20
Kaus Borealis,Sagittarius,λ Sagittarii,HR 6913,2016-07-20
Kaus Media,Sagittarius,δ Sagittarii,HR 6859,2016-07-20
Keid,Eridanus,ο2 Eridani A,HR 1325,2016-09-12
Khambalia,Virgo,λ Virginis A,HR 5359,2017-09-05
Kitalpha,Equuleus,α Equulei A,HR 8131,2016-08-21
Kochab,Ursa Minor,β Ursae Minoris,HR 5563,2016-07-20
Kornephoros,Hercules,β Herculis Aa,HR 6148,2016-08-21
Kraz,Corvus,β Corvi,HR 4786,2018-06-01
Kurhah,Cepheus,ξ Cephei Aa,HR 8417,2016-09-12
La Superba,Canes Venatici,Y Canum Venaticorum,HR 4846,2018-08-10
Larawag,Scorpius,ε Scorpii,HR 6241,2017-11-19
Lesath,Scorpius,υ Scorpii,HR 6508,2016-08-21
Libertas,Aquila,ξ Aquilae A,HR 7595,2015-12-15
Lich,Virgo,PSR B1257+12,PSR B1257+12,2015-12-15
Lilii Borea,Aries,39 Arietis,HR 824,2017-09-05
Maasym,Hercules,λ Herculis,HR 6526,2016-09-12
Mahasim,Auriga,θ Aurigae A,HR 2095,2017-06-30
Maia,Taurus,20 Tauri,HR 1149,2016-07-20
Marfik,Ophiuchus,λ Ophiuchi A,HR 6149,2016-09-12
Markab,Pegasus,α Pegasi,HR 8781,2016-06-30
Markeb,Vela,κ Velorum,HR 3734,2017-09-05
Marsic,Hercules,κ Herculis A,HR 6008,2017-02-01
Matar,Pegasus,η Pegasi Aa,HR 8650,2016-08-21
Mebsuta,Gemini,ε Geminorum,HR 2473,2016-07-20
Megrez,Ursa Major,δ Ursae Majoris,HR 4660,2016-06-30
Meissa,Orion,λ Orionis A,HR 1879,2016-07-20
Mekbuda,Gemini,ζ Geminorum Aa,HR 2650,2016-09-12
Meleph,Cancer,ε Cancri Aa,HR 3429,2017-09-05
Menkalinan,Auriga,β Aurigae Aa,HR 2088,2016-07-20
Menkar,Cetus,α Ceti,HR 911,2016-06-30
Menkent,Centaurus,θ Centauri,HR 5288,2016-08-21
Menkib,Perseus,ξ Persei,HR 1228,2016-09-12
Merak,Ursa Major,β Ursae Majoris,HR 4295,2016-06-30
Merga,Boötes,38 Boötis,HR 5533,2016-09-12
Meridiana,Corona Australis,α Coronae Australis,HR 7254,2017-09-05
Merope,Taurus,23 Tauri Aa,HR 1156,2016-07-20
Mesarthim,Aries,γ1 Arietis A,HR 546,2016-08-21
Miaplacidus,Carina,β Carinae,HR 3685,2016-07-20
Mimosa,Crux,β Crucis,HR 4853,2016-07-20
Minchir,Hydra,σ Hydrae,HR 3418,2017-09-05
Minelauva,Virgo,δ Virginis,HR 4910,2017-06-30
Mintaka,Orion,δ Orionis Aa,HR 1852,2016-07-20
Mira,Cetus,ο Ceti Aa,HR 681,2016-06-30
Mirach,Andromeda,β Andromedae,HR 337,2016-06-30
Miram,Perseus,η Persei A,HR 834,2017-09-05
Mirfak,Perseus,α Persei,HR 1017,2016-07-20
Mirzam,Canis Major,β Canis Majoris,HR 2294,2016-07-20
Misam,Perseus,κ Persei Aa,HR 941,2017-09-05
Mizar,Ursa Major,ζ Ursae Majoris Aa,HR 5054,2016-06-30
Mothallah,Triangulum,α Trianguli,HR 544,2016-08-21
Muliphein,Canis Major,γ Canis Majoris,HR 2657,2016-08-21
Muphrid,Boötes,η Boötis Aa,HR 5235,2016-09-12
Muscida,Ursa Major,ο Ursae Majoris A,HR 3323,2016-07-20
Musica,Delphinus,18 Delphini,HR 8030,2015-12-15
Nahn,Cancer,ξ Cancri A,HR 3627,2018-06-01
Naos,Puppis,ζ Puppis,HR 3165,2016-08-21
Nashira,Capricornus,γ Capricorni A,HR 8278,2016-08-21
Nekkar,Boötes,β Boötis,HR 5602,2016-08-21
Nembus,Andromeda,51 Andromedae,HR 464,2017-09-05
Nihal,Lepus,β Leporis A,HR 1829,2016-07-20
Nunki,Sagittarius,σ Sagittarii Aa,HR 7121,2016-08-21
Nusakan,Corona Borealis,β Coronae Borealis A,HR 5747,2016-09-12
Ogma,Hercules,HD 149026,HD 149026,2015-12-15
Okab,Aquila,ζ Aquilae A,HR 7235,2018-06-01
Paikauhale,Scorpius,τ Scorpii A,HR 6165,2018-08-10
Peacock,Pavo,α Pavonis Aa,HR 7790,2016-07-20
Phact,Columba,α Columbae,HR 1956,2016-07-20
Phecda,Ursa Major,γ Ursae Majoris Aa,HR 4554,2016-07-20
Pherkad,Ursa Minor,γ Ursae Minoris,HR 5735,2016-08-21
Piautos,Cancer,λ Cancri,HR 3268,2018-06-01
Pipirima,Scorpius,μ2 Scorpii A,HR 6252,2017-09-05
Pleione,Taurus,28 Tauri Aa,HR 1180,2016-06-30
Polaris,Ursa Minor,α Ursae Minoris,HR 424,2016-06-30
Polaris Australis,Octans,σ Octantis,HR 7228,2017-09-05
Polis,Sagittarius,μ Sagittarii Aa,HR 6812,2017-09-05
Pollux,Gemini,β Geminorum,HR 2990,2015-12-15
Porrima,Virgo,γ Virginis A,HR 4825,2016-07-20
Praecipua,Leo Minor,46 Leonis Minoris,HR 4247,2017-06-30
Prima Hyadum,Taurus,γ Tauri A,HR 1346,2017-09-05
Procyon,Canis Minor,α Canis Minoris A,HR 2943,2016-06-30
Propus,Gemini,η Geminorum A,HR 2216,2016-07-20
Proxima Centauri,Centaurus,α Centauri C,GJ 551,2016-08-21
Ran,Eridanus,ε Eridani,HR 1084,2015-12-15
Rasalas,Leo,μ Leonis,HR 3905,2016-09-12
Rasalgethi,Hercules,α1 Herculis Aa,HR 6406,2016-06-30
Rasalhague,Ophiuchus,α Ophiuchi A,HR 6556,2016-07-20
Rastaban,Draco,β Draconis A,HR 6536,2016-08-21
Regulus,Leo,α Leonis A,HR 3982,2016-06-30
Revati,Pisces,ζ Piscium A,HR 361,2017-06-30
Rigel,Orion,β Orionis A,HR 1713,2016-06-30
Rigil Kentaurus,Centaurus,α Centauri A,HR 5459,2016-11-06
Rotanev,Delphinus,β Delphini A,HR 7882,2016-09-12
Ruchbah,Cassiopeia,δ Cassiopeiae Aa,HR 403,2016-08-21
Rukbat,Sagittarius,α Sagittarii,HR 7348,2016-07-20
Sabik,Ophiuchus,η Ophiuchi A,HR 6378,2016-08-21
Saclateni,Auriga,ζ Aurigae A,HR 1612,2017-06-30
Sadachbia,Aquarius,γ Aquarii Aa,HR 8518,2016-08-21
Sadalbari,Pegasus,μ Pegasi,HR 8684,2016-08-21
Sadalmelik,Aquarius,α Aquarii A,HR 8414,2016-08-21
Sadalsuud,Aquarius,β Aquarii A,HR 8232,2016-08-21
Sadr,Cygnus,γ Cygni A,HR 7796,2016-08-21
Saiph,Orion,κ Orionis,HR 2004,2016-07-20
Salm,Pegasus,τ Pegasi,HR 8880,2017-09-05
Sargas,Scorpius,θ Scorpii A,HR 6553,2016-08-21
Sarin,Hercules,δ Herculis Aa,HR 6410,2016-09-12
Sceptrum,Eridanus,53 Eridani A,HR 1481,2017-06-30
Scheat,Pegasus,β Pegasi,HR 8775,2016-06-30
Schedar,Cassiopeia,α Cassiopeiae,HR 168,2016-08-21
Secunda Hyadum,Taurus,δ Tauri Aa,HR 1373,2017-09-05
Segin,Cassiopeia,ε Cassiopeiae,HR 0542,2017-09-05
Seginus,Boötes,γ Boötis Aa,HR 5435,2016-08-21
Sham,Sagitta,α Sagittae,HR 7479,2016-09-12
Shaula,Scorpius,λ Scorpii Aa,HR 6527,2016-07-20
Sheliak,Lyra,β Lyrae Aa1,HR 7106,2016-08-21
Sheratan,Aries,β Arietis A,HR 553,2016-07-20
Sirius,Canis Major,α Canis Majoris A,HR 2491,2016-06-30
Situla,Aquarius,κ Aquarii A,HR 8610,2016-09-12
Skat,Aquarius,δ Aquarii A,HR 8709,2016-08-21
Spica,Virgo,α Virginis Aa,HR 5056,2016-06-30
Sualocin,Delphinus,α Delphini Aa,HR 7906,2016-09-12
Subra,Leo,ο Leonis Aa,HR 3852,2016-09-12
Suhail,Vela,λ Velorum,HR 3634,2016-08-21
Sulafat,Lyra,γ Lyrae,HR 7178,2016-08-21
Syrma,Virgo,ι Virginis,HR 5338,2016-09-12
Tabit,Orion,π3 Orionis,HR 1543,2017-09-05
Taiyangshou,Ursa Major,χ Ursae Majoris,HR 4518,2017-06-30
Taiyi,Draco,8 Draconis,HR 4916,2017-06-30
Talitha,Ursa Major,ι Ursae Majoris Aa,HR 3569,2016-07-20
Tania Australis,Ursa Major,μ Ursae Majoris A,HR 4069,2016-07-20
Tania Borealis,Ursa Major,λ Ursae Majoris A,HR 4033,2016-07-20
Tarazed,Aquila,γ Aquilae,HR 7525,2016-08-21
Tarf,Cancer,β Cancri A,HR 3249,2018-06-01
Taygeta,Taurus,19 Tauri Aa,HR 1145,2016-08-21
Tegmine,Cancer,ζ1 Cancri A,HR 3208,2016-09-12
Tejat,Gemini,μ Geminorum Aa,HR 2286,2017-02-01
Terebellum,Sagittarius,ω Sagittarii A,HR 7597,2017-09-05
Theemin,Eridanus,υ2 Eridani,HR 1464,2017-02-01
Thuban,Draco,α Draconis A,HR 5291,2016-06-30
Tiaki,Grus,β Gruis,HR 8636,2017-09-05
Tianguan,Taurus,ζ Tauri A,HR 1910,2017-06-30
Tianyi,Draco,7 Draconis,HR 4863,2017-06-30
Titawin,Andromeda,υ Andromedae A,HR 458,2015-12-15
Toliman,Centaurus,α Centauri B,HR 5460,2018-08-10
Tonatiuh,Camelopardalis,HD 104985,HR 4609,2015-12-15
Torcular,Pisces,ο Piscium A,HR 510,2017-09-05
Tureis,Puppis,ρ Puppis A,HR 3185,2016-09-12
Ukdah,Hydra,ι Hydrae,HR 3845,2018-06-01
Unukalhai,Serpens,α Serpentis,HR 5854,2016-08-21
Unurgunite,Canis Major,σ Canis Majoris,HR 2646,2017-09-05
Vega,Lyra,α Lyrae,HR 7001,2016-06-30
Veritate,Andromeda,14 Andromedae A,HR 8930,2015-12-15
Vindemiatrix,Virgo,ε Virginis,HR 4932,2016-07-20
Wasat,Gemini,δ Geminorum Aa,HR 2777,2016-08-21
Wazn,Columba,β Columbae,HR 2040,2016-07-20
Wezen,Canis Major,δ Canis Majoris Aa,HR 2693,2016-07-20
Wurren,Phoenix,ζ Phoenicis Aa,HR 338,2017-11-19
Xamidimura,Scorpius,μ1 Scorpii Aa,HR 6247,2017-09-05
Xuange,Boötes,λ Boötis,HR 5351,2017-06-30
Yed Posterior,Ophiuchus,ε Ophiuchi,HR 6075,2016-10-05
Yed Prior,Ophiuchus,δ Ophiuchi,HR 6056,2016-10-05
Yildun,Ursa Minor,δ Ursae Minoris,HR 6789,2016-08-21
Zaniah,Virgo,η Virginis Aa,HR 4689,2016-09-12
Zaurak,Eridanus,γ Eridani,HR 1231,2016-07-20
Zavijava,Virgo,β Virginis,HR 4540,2016-08-21
Zhang,Hydra,υ1 Hydrae A,HR 3903,2017-06-30
Zibal,Eridanus,ζ Eridani Aa,HR 984,2016-09-12
Zosma,Leo,δ Leonis,HR 4357,2016-07-20
Zubenelgenubi,Libra,α2 Librae Aa,HR 5531,2016-08-21
Zubenelhakrabi,Libra,γ Librae A,HR 5787,2017-09-05
Zubeneschamali,Libra,β Librae,HR 5685,2016-08-21
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