import { PublicKey } from "@solana/web3.js" import { Tool } from "langchain/tools" export class SolanaBalanceOtherTool extends Tool { name = "solana_balance_other" description = `Get the balance of a Solana wallet or token account which is different from the agent's wallet. If no tokenAddress is provided, the SOL balance of the wallet will be returned. Inputs ( input is a JSON string ): walletAddress: string, eg "GDEkQF7UMr7RLv1KQKMtm8E2w3iafxJLtyXu3HVQZnME" (required) tokenAddress: string, eg "SENDdRQtYMWaQrBroBrJ2Q53fgVuq95CV9UPGEvpCxa" (optional)` constructor(solanaKit) { super() this.solanaKit = solanaKit } async _call(input) { try { const { walletAddress, tokenAddress } = JSON.parse(input) const tokenPubKey = tokenAddress ? new PublicKey(tokenAddress) : undefined const balance = await this.solanaKit.getBalanceOther( new PublicKey(walletAddress), tokenPubKey ) return JSON.stringify({ status: "success", balance, wallet: walletAddress, token: tokenAddress || "SOL" }) } catch (error) { return JSON.stringify({ status: "error", message: error.message, code: error.code || "UNKNOWN_ERROR" }) } } }