import { AddressLookupTableAccount, PublicKey, TransactionInstruction } from "@solana/web3.js" import { DEFAULT_OPTIONS, JUP_API, JUP_REFERRAL_ADDRESS, TOKENS } from "../../constants" import { getMint } from "@solana/spl-token" import { sendTx } from "../../utils/send_tx" /** * Swap tokens using Jupiter Exchange * @param agent SolanaAgentKit instance * @param outputMint Target token mint address * @param inputAmount Amount to swap (in token decimals) * @param inputMint Source token mint address (defaults to USDC) * @param slippageBps Slippage tolerance in basis points (default: 300 = 3%) * @returns Transaction signature */ export async function trade( agent, outputMint, inputAmount, inputMint = TOKENS.USDC, slippageBps = DEFAULT_OPTIONS.SLIPPAGE_BPS ) { try { // Check if input token is native SOL const isNativeSol = inputMint.equals(TOKENS.SOL) // For native SOL, we use LAMPORTS_PER_SOL, otherwise fetch mint info const inputDecimals = isNativeSol ? 9 // SOL always has 9 decimals : (await getMint(agent.connection, inputMint)).decimals // Calculate the correct amount based on actual decimals const scaledAmount = inputAmount * Math.pow(10, inputDecimals) const quoteResponse = await ( await fetch( `${JUP_API}/quote?` + `inputMint=${ isNativeSol ? TOKENS.SOL.toString() : inputMint.toString() }` + `&outputMint=${outputMint.toString()}` + `&amount=${scaledAmount}` + `&slippageBps=${slippageBps}` + `&onlyDirectRoutes=true` + `&maxAccounts=40` + `${ agent.config.JUPITER_FEE_BPS ? `&platformFeeBps=${agent.config.JUPITER_FEE_BPS}` : "" }` ) ).json() // Get serialized transaction let feeAccount if (agent.config.JUPITER_REFERRAL_ACCOUNT) { ;[feeAccount] = PublicKey.findProgramAddressSync( [ Buffer.from("referral_ata"), new PublicKey(agent.config.JUPITER_REFERRAL_ACCOUNT).toBuffer(), TOKENS.SOL.toBuffer() ], new PublicKey(JUP_REFERRAL_ADDRESS) ) } const instructions = await ( await fetch("", { method: "POST", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" }, body: JSON.stringify({ // quoteResponse from /quote or /swap api quoteResponse, userPublicKey: agent.wallet.publicKey.toBase58() // other Jupiter request fields if needed }) }) ).json() // Deserialize transaction if (instructions.error) { throw new Error("Failed to get swap instructions: " + instructions.error) } const { tokenLedgerInstruction, // If using `useTokenLedger = true` computeBudgetInstructions, // Jupiter’s default compute budget instructions (we will NOT use these) setupInstructions, // Setup ATAs if needed swapInstruction: swapInstructionPayload, cleanupInstruction, // Unwrap SOL, if you used wrapAndUnwrapSol addressLookupTableAddresses } = instructions const deserializeInstruction = instruction => { return new TransactionInstruction({ programId: new PublicKey(instruction.programId), keys: => ({ pubkey: new PublicKey(key.pubkey), isSigner: key.isSigner, isWritable: key.isWritable })), data: Buffer.from(, "base64") }) } const getAddressLookupTableAccounts = async keys => { const addressLookupTableAccountInfos = await agent.connection.getMultipleAccountsInfo( => new PublicKey(key)) ) return addressLookupTableAccountInfos.reduce( (acc, accountInfo, index) => { const addressLookupTableAddress = keys[index] if (accountInfo) { const addressLookupTableAccount = new AddressLookupTableAccount({ key: new PublicKey(addressLookupTableAddress), state: AddressLookupTableAccount.deserialize( }) acc.push(addressLookupTableAccount) } return acc }, new Array() ) } const addressLookupTableAccounts = [] addressLookupTableAccounts.push( ...(await getAddressLookupTableAccounts(addressLookupTableAddresses)) ) const signature = await sendTx( agent, [, deserializeInstruction(swapInstructionPayload), deserializeInstruction(cleanupInstruction) ], undefined, addressLookupTableAccounts ) return signature } catch (error) { throw new Error(`Swap failed: ${error.message}`) } }