import { Transaction, TransactionMessage, VersionedTransaction } from "@solana/web3.js" import { ComputeBudgetProgram } from "@solana/web3.js" import bs58 from "bs58" const feeTiers = { min: 0.01, mid: 0.5, max: 0.95 } /** * Get priority fees for the current block * @param connection - Solana RPC connection * @returns Priority fees statistics and instructions for different fee levels */ export async function getComputeBudgetInstructions( agent, instructions, feeTier ) { const { blockhash, lastValidBlockHeight } = await agent.connection.getLatestBlockhash() const messageV0 = new TransactionMessage({ payerKey: agent.wallet_address, recentBlockhash: blockhash, instructions: instructions }).compileToV0Message() const transaction = new VersionedTransaction(messageV0) const simulatedTx = agent.connection.simulateTransaction(transaction) const estimatedComputeUnits = (await simulatedTx).value.unitsConsumed const safeComputeUnits = Math.ceil( estimatedComputeUnits ? Math.max(estimatedComputeUnits + 100000, estimatedComputeUnits * 1.2) : 200000 ) const computeBudgetLimitInstruction = ComputeBudgetProgram.setComputeUnitLimit( { units: safeComputeUnits } ) let priorityFee if (agent.config.HELIUS_API_KEY) { // Create and set up a legacy transaction for Helius fee estimation const legacyTransaction = new Transaction() legacyTransaction.recentBlockhash = blockhash legacyTransaction.lastValidBlockHeight = lastValidBlockHeight legacyTransaction.feePayer = agent.wallet_address // Add the compute budget instruction and original instructions legacyTransaction.add(computeBudgetLimitInstruction, ...instructions) // Sign the transaction const signedTx = await agent.wallet.signTransaction(legacyTransaction) // Use Helius API for priority fee calculation const response = await fetch( `${agent.config.HELIUS_API_KEY}`, { method: "POST", headers: { "Content-Type": "application/json" }, body: JSON.stringify({ jsonrpc: "2.0", id: "1", method: "getPriorityFeeEstimate", params: [ { transaction: bs58.encode(signedTx.serialize()), options: { recommended: true } } ] }) } ) const data = await response.json() if (data.error) { throw new Error("Error fetching priority fee from Helius API") } priorityFee = Math.floor(data.result.priorityFeeEstimate * 1.2) } else { // Use default implementation for priority fee calculation priorityFee = await agent.connection .getRecentPrioritizationFees() .then( fees => fees.sort((a, b) => a.prioritizationFee - b.prioritizationFee)[ Math.floor(fees.length * feeTiers[feeTier]) ].prioritizationFee ) } const computeBudgetPriorityFeeInstructions = ComputeBudgetProgram.setComputeUnitPrice( { microLamports: priorityFee } ) return { blockhash, computeBudgetLimitInstruction, computeBudgetPriorityFeeInstructions } } /** * Send a transaction with priority fees * @param agent - SolanaAgentKit instance * @param tx - Transaction to send * @returns Transaction ID */ export async function sendTx( agent, instructions, otherKeypairs, lookupTables = [] ) { const ixComputeBudget = await getComputeBudgetInstructions( agent, instructions, "mid" ) const allInstructions = [ ixComputeBudget.computeBudgetLimitInstruction, ixComputeBudget.computeBudgetPriorityFeeInstructions, ...instructions ] const messageV0 = new TransactionMessage({ payerKey: agent.wallet_address, recentBlockhash: ixComputeBudget.blockhash, instructions: allInstructions }).compileToV0Message(lookupTables) const transaction = new VersionedTransaction(messageV0) const signedTx = await agent.wallet.signTransaction(transaction) if (otherKeypairs) { signedTx.sign(otherKeypairs) } try { const timeout = 60000 const startTime = let txtSig while ( - startTime < timeout) { try { txtSig = await agent.connection.sendRawTransaction( signedTx.serialize(), { skipPreflight: true } ) return await pollTransactionConfirmation(txtSig, agent) } catch (error) { continue } } } catch (error) { throw new Error(`Error sending smart transaction: ${error}`) } throw new Error(`Unknown error sending smart transaction`) } export async function pollTransactionConfirmation(txtSig, agent) { // 4 second timeout const timeout = 4000 // 2 second retry interval const interval = 2000 let elapsed = 0 return new Promise((resolve, reject) => { const intervalId = setInterval(async () => { elapsed += interval if (elapsed >= timeout) { clearInterval(intervalId) reject(new Error(`Transaction ${txtSig}'s confirmation timed out`)) } const status = await agent.connection.getSignatureStatuses([txtSig]) if (status?.value[0]?.confirmationStatus === "confirmed") { clearInterval(intervalId) resolve(txtSig) } }, interval) }) }