import { tool } from 'ai'; import { z } from "zod"; import { queryBirdeye } from "./client.js"; const getTrendingTokens = async (offset = 0, limit = 10) => { limit = Math.min(limit, 20); const result = await queryBirdeye("defi/token_trending", { sort_by: "rank", sort_type: "asc", offset, limit }); return result.tokens }; export const getTrendingTokensTool = (userId, chatId, responseId, dataStream) => tool({ description: "Retrieve current trending Solana tokens, with options for pagination. Use this if someone asks you for recommendations on a trending meme coin.", parameters: z.object({ offset: z.number().optional().describe("Offset for pagination"), limit: z .number() .optional() .default(10) .describe("Limit for the number of results (max: 20)"), }), execute: async ({ offset, limit }) => { try { console.log(`${userId} ${chatId} called getTrendingTokens with offset: ${offset} | limit: ${limit}`); const tokens = await getTrendingTokens(offset, limit); if (tokens.length === 0) { return "No trending tokens found."; } if (tokens.length > 0 && tokens[0].address) { => { dataStream.writeMessageAnnotation({ id: responseId, tool_type: 'chart', content: token.address.toString(), }); }); } return JSON.stringify(tokens); } catch (error) { console.error("Error fetching trending tokens:", error.message); return "An error occurred while fetching trending tokens."; } }, });