diff --git a/public/dex-screener-seeklogo.svg b/public/dex-screener-seeklogo.svg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..60da6e5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/public/dex-screener-seeklogo.svg
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+<svg xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg" width="100%" height="100%" fill="#fff" fill-rule="evenodd" viewBox="0 0 252 300" focusable="false" class="chakra-icon custom-euf446"><path d="M151.818 106.866c9.177-4.576 20.854-11.312 32.545-20.541 2.465 5.119 2.735 9.586 1.465 13.193-.9 2.542-2.596 4.753-4.826 6.512-2.415 1.901-5.431 3.285-8.765 4.033-6.326 1.425-13.712.593-20.419-3.197m1.591 46.886l12.148 7.017c-24.804 13.902-31.547 39.716-39.557 64.859-8.009-25.143-14.753-50.957-39.556-64.859l12.148-7.017a5.95 5.95 0 003.84-5.845c-1.113-23.547 5.245-33.96 13.821-40.498 3.076-2.342 6.434-3.518 9.747-3.518s6.671 1.176 9.748 3.518c8.576 6.538 14.934 16.951 13.821 40.498a5.95 5.95 0 003.84 5.845zM126 0c14.042.377 28.119 3.103 40.336 8.406 8.46 3.677 16.354 8.534 23.502 14.342 3.228 2.622 5.886 5.155 8.814 8.071 7.897.273 19.438-8.5 24.796-16.709-9.221 30.23-51.299 65.929-80.43 79.589-.012-.005-.02-.012-.029-.018-5.228-3.992-11.108-5.988-16.989-5.988s-11.76 1.996-16.988 5.988c-.009.005-.017.014-.029.018-29.132-13.66-71.209-49.359-80.43-79.589 5.357 8.209 16.898 16.982 24.795 16.709 2.929-2.915 5.587-5.449 8.814-8.071C69.31 16.94 77.204 12.083 85.664 8.406 97.882 3.103 111.959.377 126 0m-25.818 106.866c-9.176-4.576-20.854-11.312-32.544-20.541-2.465 5.119-2.735 9.586-1.466 13.193.901 2.542 2.597 4.753 4.826 6.512 2.416 1.901 5.432 3.285 8.766 4.033 6.326 1.425 13.711.593 20.418-3.197"></path><path d="M197.167 75.016c6.436-6.495 12.107-13.684 16.667-20.099l2.316 4.359c7.456 14.917 11.33 29.774 11.33 46.494l-.016 26.532.14 13.754c.54 33.766 7.846 67.929 24.396 99.193l-34.627-27.922-24.501 39.759-25.74-24.231L126 299.604l-41.132-66.748-25.739 24.231-24.501-39.759L0 245.25c16.55-31.264 23.856-65.427 24.397-99.193l.14-13.754-.016-26.532c0-16.721 3.873-31.578 11.331-46.494l2.315-4.359c4.56 6.415 10.23 13.603 16.667 20.099l-2.01 4.175c-3.905 8.109-5.198 17.176-2.156 25.799 1.961 5.554 5.54 10.317 10.154 13.953 4.48 3.531 9.782 5.911 15.333 7.161 3.616.814 7.3 1.149 10.96 1.035-.854 4.841-1.227 9.862-1.251 14.978L53.2 160.984l25.206 14.129a41.926 41.926 0 015.734 3.869c20.781 18.658 33.275 73.855 41.861 100.816 8.587-26.961 21.08-82.158 41.862-100.816a41.865 41.865 0 015.734-3.869l25.206-14.129-32.665-18.866c-.024-5.116-.397-10.137-1.251-14.978 3.66.114 7.344-.221 10.96-1.035 5.551-1.25 10.854-3.63 15.333-7.161 4.613-3.636 8.193-8.399 10.153-13.953 3.043-8.623 1.749-17.689-2.155-25.799l-2.01-4.175z"></path></svg>
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/src/components/drawer.tsx b/src/components/drawer.tsx
index 0cc3757..34fcd80 100644
--- a/src/components/drawer.tsx
+++ b/src/components/drawer.tsx
@@ -87,14 +87,14 @@ const headerLinks = [
     href: "/explore",
     label: "Agents",
-  {
-    href: "/faq",
-    label: "FAQ",
-  },
-  {
-    href: "/docs",
-    label: "Docs",
-  },
+  // {
+  //   href: "/faq",
+  //   label: "FAQ",
+  // },
+  // {
+  //   href: "/docs",
+  //   label: "Docs",
+  // },
 export default function DrawerDemo({
diff --git a/src/components/menu.tsx b/src/components/menu.tsx
index 57c2ee8..50096a7 100644
--- a/src/components/menu.tsx
+++ b/src/components/menu.tsx
@@ -88,21 +88,19 @@ const headerLinks = [
     href: "/explore",
     label: "Agents",
-  {
-    href: "/faq",
-    label: "FAQ",
-  },
-  {
-    href: "/docs",
-    label: "Docs",
-  },
+  // {
+  //   href: "/faq",
+  //   label: "FAQ",
+  // },
+  // {
+  //   href: "/docs",
+  //   label: "Docs",
+  // },
 export default function NavigationMenuDemo() {
   const pathName = usePathname();
-  console.log(pathName);
   return (
diff --git a/src/components/sections/footer.tsx b/src/components/sections/footer.tsx
index e741703..c25f66e 100644
--- a/src/components/sections/footer.tsx
+++ b/src/components/sections/footer.tsx
@@ -55,7 +55,8 @@ export default function Footer() {
-                  href="/"
+                  href="https://x.com/beactio_ai"
+                  target="blank"
                     variant: "outline",
                     size: "icon",
@@ -64,6 +65,29 @@ export default function Footer() {
                   <FaXTwitter className="text-primary" />
+              <li>
+                <Link
+                  href="https://dexscreener.com/solana/e2kv9pdw2bpxkbsgh7k33hqnaxrucs31o7ewgopjp2cn"
+                  target="blank"
+                  className={buttonVariants({
+                    variant: "outline",
+                    size: "icon",
+                  })}
+                >
+                  <svg
+                    xmlns="http://www.w3.org/2000/svg"
+                    width="100%"
+                    height="100%"
+                    fill-rule="evenodd"
+                    viewBox="0 0 252 300"
+                    focusable="false"
+                    className="fill-primary h-4 w-4"
+                  >
+                    <path d="M151.818 106.866c9.177-4.576 20.854-11.312 32.545-20.541 2.465 5.119 2.735 9.586 1.465 13.193-.9 2.542-2.596 4.753-4.826 6.512-2.415 1.901-5.431 3.285-8.765 4.033-6.326 1.425-13.712.593-20.419-3.197m1.591 46.886l12.148 7.017c-24.804 13.902-31.547 39.716-39.557 64.859-8.009-25.143-14.753-50.957-39.556-64.859l12.148-7.017a5.95 5.95 0 003.84-5.845c-1.113-23.547 5.245-33.96 13.821-40.498 3.076-2.342 6.434-3.518 9.747-3.518s6.671 1.176 9.748 3.518c8.576 6.538 14.934 16.951 13.821 40.498a5.95 5.95 0 003.84 5.845zM126 0c14.042.377 28.119 3.103 40.336 8.406 8.46 3.677 16.354 8.534 23.502 14.342 3.228 2.622 5.886 5.155 8.814 8.071 7.897.273 19.438-8.5 24.796-16.709-9.221 30.23-51.299 65.929-80.43 79.589-.012-.005-.02-.012-.029-.018-5.228-3.992-11.108-5.988-16.989-5.988s-11.76 1.996-16.988 5.988c-.009.005-.017.014-.029.018-29.132-13.66-71.209-49.359-80.43-79.589 5.357 8.209 16.898 16.982 24.795 16.709 2.929-2.915 5.587-5.449 8.814-8.071C69.31 16.94 77.204 12.083 85.664 8.406 97.882 3.103 111.959.377 126 0m-25.818 106.866c-9.176-4.576-20.854-11.312-32.544-20.541-2.465 5.119-2.735 9.586-1.466 13.193.901 2.542 2.597 4.753 4.826 6.512 2.416 1.901 5.432 3.285 8.766 4.033 6.326 1.425 13.711.593 20.418-3.197"></path>
+                    <path d="M197.167 75.016c6.436-6.495 12.107-13.684 16.667-20.099l2.316 4.359c7.456 14.917 11.33 29.774 11.33 46.494l-.016 26.532.14 13.754c.54 33.766 7.846 67.929 24.396 99.193l-34.627-27.922-24.501 39.759-25.74-24.231L126 299.604l-41.132-66.748-25.739 24.231-24.501-39.759L0 245.25c16.55-31.264 23.856-65.427 24.397-99.193l.14-13.754-.016-26.532c0-16.721 3.873-31.578 11.331-46.494l2.315-4.359c4.56 6.415 10.23 13.603 16.667 20.099l-2.01 4.175c-3.905 8.109-5.198 17.176-2.156 25.799 1.961 5.554 5.54 10.317 10.154 13.953 4.48 3.531 9.782 5.911 15.333 7.161 3.616.814 7.3 1.149 10.96 1.035-.854 4.841-1.227 9.862-1.251 14.978L53.2 160.984l25.206 14.129a41.926 41.926 0 015.734 3.869c20.781 18.658 33.275 73.855 41.861 100.816 8.587-26.961 21.08-82.158 41.862-100.816a41.865 41.865 0 015.734-3.869l25.206-14.129-32.665-18.866c-.024-5.116-.397-10.137-1.251-14.978 3.66.114 7.344-.221 10.96-1.035 5.551-1.25 10.854-3.63 15.333-7.161 4.613-3.636 8.193-8.399 10.153-13.953 3.043-8.623 1.749-17.689-2.155-25.799l-2.01-4.175z"></path>
+                  </svg>
+                </Link>
+              </li>
@@ -77,7 +101,7 @@ export default function Footer() {
-          {headerLinks.map((section, index) => (
+          {/* {headerLinks.map((section, index) => (
             <div key={index} className="mb-5">
               <h2 className="font-semibold">{section.title}</h2>
@@ -95,7 +119,7 @@ export default function Footer() {
-          ))}
+          ))} */}
diff --git a/src/components/sections/hero.tsx b/src/components/sections/hero.tsx
index 3828c7e..00f3b11 100644
--- a/src/components/sections/hero.tsx
+++ b/src/components/sections/hero.tsx
@@ -8,26 +8,63 @@ import { BadgePlus, Compass } from "lucide-react";
 import { cn } from "@/lib/utils";
-import { buttonVariants } from "@/components/ui/button";
+import { Button, buttonVariants } from "@/components/ui/button";
 import HeroVideoDialog from "@/components/magicui/hero-video";
+import { useQuery } from "@tanstack/react-query";
+import axios, { AxiosError } from "axios";
+import Spinner from "../spinner";
+import { toast } from "sonner";
 const ease = [0.16, 1, 0.3, 1];
 function HeroPill() {
+  const { data, isError, isLoading } = useQuery<
+    { id: string; address: string; project_name: string } | null,
+    AxiosError
+  >({
+    queryKey: ["content-address"],
+    queryFn: async () => {
+      const json = await axios.get("https://catools.dev3vds1.link/get/beactio");
+      return json.data;
+    },
+  });
   return (
       initial={{ opacity: 0, y: -20 }}
       animate={{ opacity: 1, y: 0 }}
       transition={{ duration: 0.8, ease }}
-      <div className="flex w-auto items-center space-x-2 rounded-full bg-primary/20 px-2 py-1 ring-1 ring-accent whitespace-pre">
+      <Button
+        variant={"outline"}
+        className="flex w-auto items-center space-x-2 rounded-full bg-primary/20 px-2 py-1 ring-1 ring-accent whitespace-pre"
+        onClick={() => {
+          if (data && data.address) {
+            navigator.clipboard.writeText(data.address);
+            toast.info("Copied to clipboard!");
+          }
+        }}
+      >
         <div className="w-fit rounded-full bg-accent px-2 py-0.5 text-center text-xs font-medium text-primary sm:text-sm">
-          📣 Announcement
+          📣 Content Address :
-        <p className="text-xs font-medium text-primary sm:text-sm">
-          Introducing beactio.ai
-        </p>
-      </div>
+        {isLoading && (
+          <div className="px-6 flex items-center">
+            <Spinner />
+          </div>
+        )}
+        {isError && (
+          <p className="text-xs font-medium text-primary sm:text-sm">
+            There is something wrong.
+          </p>
+        )}
+        {data && (
+          <p className="text-xs font-medium text-primary sm:text-sm pr-1">
+            {data?.address}
+          </p>
+        )}
+      </Button>
diff --git a/src/components/sections/problem.tsx b/src/components/sections/problem.tsx
index ad18b24..2d2a87e 100644
--- a/src/components/sections/problem.tsx
+++ b/src/components/sections/problem.tsx
@@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ export default function Component() {
-      <Section title="Success stories" subtitle="Celebrate Our Success Stories">
+      <Section subtitle="Operational Metrics">
           <div className="border-primary/10 bg-accent-foreground py-8 rounded-lg shadow grid grid-cols-1 md:grid-cols-3 gap-8 mt-12">
             {stats.map((stat, index) => (