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varchar DEFAULT 'Our dedicated team in Sierra Vista, AZ is here to support you with hope, strength, and courage. 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+ + CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "pages" ( + "id" serial PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, + "title" varchar NOT NULL, + "hero_img_id" integer, + "slug" varchar, + "meta_title" varchar, + "meta_description" varchar, + "meta_cannonical_url" varchar, + "updated_at" timestamp(3) with time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, + "created_at" timestamp(3) with time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL + ); + + CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "pages_rels" ( + "id" serial PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, + "order" integer, + "parent_id" integer NOT NULL, + "path" varchar NOT NULL, + "teams_id" integer + ); + + CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "teams" ( + "id" serial PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, + "name" varchar NOT NULL, + "role" varchar NOT NULL, + "img_id" integer NOT NULL, + "biography" jsonb, + "updated_at" timestamp(3) with time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, + "created_at" timestamp(3) with time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL + ); + + CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "blog_categories" ( + "id" serial PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, + "name" varchar NOT NULL, + "slug" varchar, + "parent_category_id" integer, + "description" varchar, + "updated_at" timestamp(3) with time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, + "created_at" timestamp(3) with time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL + ); 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+ + CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "forms_blocks_number" ( + "_order" integer NOT NULL, + "_parent_id" integer NOT NULL, + "_path" text NOT NULL, + "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, + "name" varchar NOT NULL, + "label" varchar, + "width" numeric, + "default_value" numeric, + "required" boolean, + "block_name" varchar + ); + + CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "forms_blocks_select_options" ( + "_order" integer NOT NULL, + "_parent_id" varchar NOT NULL, + "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, + "label" varchar NOT NULL, + "value" varchar NOT NULL + ); + + CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "forms_blocks_select" ( + "_order" integer NOT NULL, + "_parent_id" integer NOT NULL, + "_path" text NOT NULL, + "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, + "name" varchar NOT NULL, + "label" varchar, + "width" numeric, + "default_value" varchar, + "required" boolean, + "block_name" varchar + ); + + CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "forms_blocks_state" ( + "_order" integer NOT NULL, + "_parent_id" integer NOT NULL, + "_path" text NOT NULL, + "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, + "name" varchar NOT NULL, + "label" varchar, + "width" numeric, + "required" boolean, + "block_name" varchar + ); + + CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "forms_blocks_text" ( + "_order" integer NOT NULL, + "_parent_id" integer NOT NULL, + "_path" text NOT NULL, + "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, + "name" varchar NOT NULL, + "label" varchar, + "width" numeric, + "default_value" varchar, + "required" boolean, + "block_name" varchar + ); + + CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "forms_blocks_textarea" ( + "_order" integer NOT NULL, + "_parent_id" integer NOT NULL, + "_path" text NOT NULL, + "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, + "name" varchar NOT NULL, + "label" varchar, + "width" numeric, + "default_value" varchar, + "required" boolean, + "block_name" varchar + ); + + CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "forms_emails" ( + "_order" integer NOT NULL, + "_parent_id" integer NOT NULL, + "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, + "email_to" varchar, + "cc" varchar, + "bcc" varchar, + "reply_to" varchar, + "email_from" varchar, + "subject" varchar DEFAULT 'You''''ve received a new message.' NOT NULL, + "message" jsonb + ); + + CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "forms" ( + "id" serial PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, + "title" varchar NOT NULL, + "submit_button_label" varchar, + "confirmation_type" "enum_forms_confirmation_type" DEFAULT 'message', + "confirmation_message" jsonb, + "redirect_url" varchar, + "updated_at" timestamp(3) with time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, + "created_at" timestamp(3) with time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL + ); + + CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "form_submissions_submission_data" ( + "_order" integer NOT NULL, + "_parent_id" integer NOT NULL, + "id" varchar PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, + "field" varchar NOT NULL, + "value" varchar NOT NULL + ); + + CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "form_submissions" ( + "id" serial PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, + "form_id" integer NOT NULL, + "updated_at" timestamp(3) with time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, + "created_at" timestamp(3) with time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL + ); + + CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "payload_locked_documents" ( + "id" serial PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, + "global_slug" varchar, + "updated_at" timestamp(3) with time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, + "created_at" timestamp(3) with time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL + ); + + CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "payload_locked_documents_rels" ( + "id" serial PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, + "order" integer, + "parent_id" integer NOT NULL, + "path" varchar NOT NULL, + "users_id" integer, + "media_id" integer, + "blogs_id" integer, + "pages_id" integer, + "teams_id" integer, + "blog_categories_id" integer, + "blog_tags_id" integer, + "forms_id" integer, + "form_submissions_id" integer + ); + + CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "payload_preferences" ( + "id" serial PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, + "key" varchar, + "value" jsonb, + "updated_at" timestamp(3) with time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, + "created_at" timestamp(3) with time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL + ); + + CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "payload_preferences_rels" ( + "id" serial PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, + "order" integer, + "parent_id" integer NOT NULL, + "path" varchar NOT NULL, + "users_id" integer + ); + + CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS "payload_migrations" ( + "id" serial PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, + "name" varchar, + "batch" numeric, + "updated_at" timestamp(3) with time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL, + "created_at" timestamp(3) with time zone DEFAULT now() NOT NULL + ); + + DO $$ BEGIN + ALTER TABLE "blogs" ADD CONSTRAINT "blogs_img_id_media_id_fk" FOREIGN KEY ("img_id") REFERENCES "public"."media"("id") ON DELETE set null ON UPDATE no action; + EXCEPTION + WHEN duplicate_object THEN null; + END $$; + + DO $$ BEGIN + ALTER TABLE "blogs_rels" ADD CONSTRAINT "blogs_rels_parent_fk" FOREIGN KEY ("parent_id") REFERENCES "public"."blogs"("id") ON DELETE cascade ON UPDATE no action; + EXCEPTION + WHEN duplicate_object THEN null; + END $$; + + DO $$ BEGIN + ALTER TABLE "blogs_rels" ADD CONSTRAINT "blogs_rels_blog_categories_fk" FOREIGN KEY ("blog_categories_id") REFERENCES "public"."blog_categories"("id") ON DELETE cascade ON UPDATE no action; + EXCEPTION + WHEN duplicate_object THEN null; + END $$; + + DO $$ BEGIN + ALTER TABLE "blogs_rels" ADD CONSTRAINT "blogs_rels_blog_tags_fk" FOREIGN KEY ("blog_tags_id") REFERENCES "public"."blog_tags"("id") ON DELETE cascade ON UPDATE no action; + EXCEPTION + WHEN duplicate_object THEN null; + END $$; + + DO $$ BEGIN + ALTER TABLE "pages_blocks_content_block" ADD CONSTRAINT "pages_blocks_content_block_parent_id_fk" FOREIGN KEY ("_parent_id") REFERENCES "public"."pages"("id") ON DELETE cascade ON UPDATE no action; + EXCEPTION + WHEN duplicate_object THEN null; + END $$; + + DO $$ BEGIN + ALTER TABLE "pages_blocks_before_footer_block" ADD CONSTRAINT "pages_blocks_before_footer_block_parent_id_fk" FOREIGN KEY ("_parent_id") REFERENCES "public"."pages"("id") ON DELETE cascade ON UPDATE no action; + EXCEPTION + WHEN duplicate_object THEN null; + END $$; + + DO $$ BEGIN + ALTER TABLE "pages_blocks_our_team_block" ADD CONSTRAINT "pages_blocks_our_team_block_parent_id_fk" FOREIGN KEY ("_parent_id") REFERENCES "public"."pages"("id") ON DELETE cascade ON UPDATE no action; + EXCEPTION + WHEN duplicate_object THEN null; + END $$; + + DO $$ BEGIN + ALTER TABLE "pages_blocks_horizontal_image_content_block" ADD CONSTRAINT "pages_blocks_horizontal_image_content_block_img_id_media_id_fk" FOREIGN KEY ("img_id") REFERENCES "public"."media"("id") ON DELETE set null ON UPDATE no action; + EXCEPTION + WHEN duplicate_object THEN null; + END $$; + + DO $$ BEGIN + ALTER TABLE "pages_blocks_horizontal_image_content_block" ADD CONSTRAINT "pages_blocks_horizontal_image_content_block_parent_id_fk" FOREIGN KEY ("_parent_id") REFERENCES "public"."pages"("id") ON DELETE cascade ON UPDATE no action; + EXCEPTION + WHEN duplicate_object THEN null; + END $$; + + DO $$ BEGIN + ALTER TABLE "pages_blocks_image_slider_block_images" ADD CONSTRAINT "pages_blocks_image_slider_block_images_image_id_media_id_fk" FOREIGN KEY ("image_id") REFERENCES "public"."media"("id") ON DELETE set null ON UPDATE no action; + EXCEPTION + WHEN duplicate_object THEN null; + END $$; + + DO $$ BEGIN + ALTER TABLE "pages_blocks_image_slider_block_images" ADD CONSTRAINT "pages_blocks_image_slider_block_images_parent_id_fk" FOREIGN KEY ("_parent_id") REFERENCES "public"."pages_blocks_image_slider_block"("id") ON DELETE cascade ON UPDATE no action; + EXCEPTION + WHEN duplicate_object THEN null; + END $$; + + DO $$ BEGIN + ALTER TABLE "pages_blocks_image_slider_block" ADD CONSTRAINT "pages_blocks_image_slider_block_parent_id_fk" FOREIGN KEY ("_parent_id") REFERENCES "public"."pages"("id") ON DELETE cascade ON UPDATE no action; + EXCEPTION + WHEN duplicate_object THEN null; + END $$; + + DO $$ BEGIN + ALTER TABLE "pages" ADD CONSTRAINT "pages_hero_img_id_media_id_fk" FOREIGN KEY ("hero_img_id") REFERENCES "public"."media"("id") ON DELETE set null ON UPDATE no action; + EXCEPTION + WHEN duplicate_object THEN null; + END $$; + + DO $$ BEGIN + ALTER TABLE "pages_rels" ADD CONSTRAINT "pages_rels_parent_fk" FOREIGN KEY ("parent_id") REFERENCES "public"."pages"("id") ON DELETE cascade ON UPDATE no action; + EXCEPTION + WHEN duplicate_object THEN null; + END $$; + + DO $$ BEGIN + ALTER TABLE "pages_rels" ADD CONSTRAINT "pages_rels_teams_fk" FOREIGN KEY ("teams_id") REFERENCES "public"."teams"("id") ON DELETE cascade ON UPDATE no action; + EXCEPTION + WHEN duplicate_object THEN null; + END $$; + + DO $$ BEGIN + ALTER TABLE "teams" ADD CONSTRAINT "teams_img_id_media_id_fk" FOREIGN KEY ("img_id") REFERENCES "public"."media"("id") ON DELETE set null ON UPDATE no action; + EXCEPTION + WHEN duplicate_object THEN null; + END $$; + + DO $$ BEGIN + ALTER TABLE "blog_categories" ADD CONSTRAINT "blog_categories_parent_category_id_blog_categories_id_fk" FOREIGN KEY ("parent_category_id") REFERENCES "public"."blog_categories"("id") ON DELETE set null ON UPDATE no action; + EXCEPTION + WHEN duplicate_object THEN null; + END $$; + + DO $$ BEGIN + ALTER TABLE "forms_blocks_checkbox" ADD CONSTRAINT "forms_blocks_checkbox_parent_id_fk" FOREIGN KEY ("_parent_id") REFERENCES "public"."forms"("id") ON DELETE cascade ON UPDATE no action; + EXCEPTION + WHEN duplicate_object THEN null; + END $$; + + DO $$ BEGIN + ALTER TABLE "forms_blocks_country" ADD CONSTRAINT "forms_blocks_country_parent_id_fk" FOREIGN KEY ("_parent_id") REFERENCES "public"."forms"("id") ON DELETE cascade ON UPDATE no action; + EXCEPTION + WHEN duplicate_object THEN null; + END $$; + + DO $$ BEGIN + ALTER TABLE "forms_blocks_email" ADD CONSTRAINT "forms_blocks_email_parent_id_fk" FOREIGN KEY ("_parent_id") REFERENCES "public"."forms"("id") ON DELETE cascade ON UPDATE no action; + EXCEPTION + WHEN duplicate_object THEN null; + END $$; + + DO $$ BEGIN + ALTER TABLE "forms_blocks_number" ADD CONSTRAINT "forms_blocks_number_parent_id_fk" FOREIGN KEY ("_parent_id") REFERENCES "public"."forms"("id") ON DELETE cascade ON UPDATE no action; + EXCEPTION + WHEN duplicate_object THEN null; + END $$; + + DO $$ BEGIN + ALTER TABLE "forms_blocks_select_options" ADD CONSTRAINT "forms_blocks_select_options_parent_id_fk" FOREIGN KEY ("_parent_id") REFERENCES "public"."forms_blocks_select"("id") ON DELETE cascade ON UPDATE no action; + EXCEPTION + WHEN duplicate_object THEN null; + END $$; + + DO $$ BEGIN + ALTER TABLE "forms_blocks_select" ADD CONSTRAINT "forms_blocks_select_parent_id_fk" FOREIGN KEY ("_parent_id") REFERENCES "public"."forms"("id") ON DELETE cascade ON UPDATE no action; + EXCEPTION + WHEN duplicate_object THEN null; + END $$; + + DO $$ BEGIN + ALTER TABLE "forms_blocks_state" ADD CONSTRAINT "forms_blocks_state_parent_id_fk" FOREIGN KEY ("_parent_id") REFERENCES "public"."forms"("id") ON DELETE cascade ON UPDATE no action; + EXCEPTION + WHEN duplicate_object THEN null; + END $$; + + DO $$ BEGIN + ALTER TABLE "forms_blocks_text" ADD CONSTRAINT "forms_blocks_text_parent_id_fk" FOREIGN KEY ("_parent_id") REFERENCES "public"."forms"("id") ON DELETE cascade ON UPDATE no action; + EXCEPTION + WHEN duplicate_object THEN null; + END $$; + + DO $$ BEGIN + ALTER TABLE "forms_blocks_textarea" ADD CONSTRAINT "forms_blocks_textarea_parent_id_fk" FOREIGN KEY ("_parent_id") REFERENCES "public"."forms"("id") ON DELETE cascade ON UPDATE no action; + EXCEPTION + WHEN duplicate_object THEN null; + END $$; + + DO $$ BEGIN + ALTER TABLE "forms_emails" ADD CONSTRAINT "forms_emails_parent_id_fk" FOREIGN KEY ("_parent_id") REFERENCES "public"."forms"("id") ON DELETE cascade ON UPDATE no action; + EXCEPTION + WHEN duplicate_object THEN null; + END $$; + + DO $$ BEGIN + ALTER TABLE "form_submissions_submission_data" ADD CONSTRAINT "form_submissions_submission_data_parent_id_fk" FOREIGN KEY ("_parent_id") REFERENCES "public"."form_submissions"("id") ON DELETE cascade ON UPDATE no action; + EXCEPTION + WHEN duplicate_object THEN null; + END $$; + + DO $$ BEGIN + ALTER TABLE "form_submissions" ADD CONSTRAINT "form_submissions_form_id_forms_id_fk" FOREIGN KEY ("form_id") REFERENCES "public"."forms"("id") ON DELETE set null ON UPDATE no action; + EXCEPTION + WHEN duplicate_object THEN null; + END $$; + + DO $$ BEGIN + ALTER TABLE "payload_locked_documents_rels" ADD CONSTRAINT "payload_locked_documents_rels_parent_fk" FOREIGN KEY ("parent_id") REFERENCES "public"."payload_locked_documents"("id") ON DELETE cascade ON UPDATE no action; + EXCEPTION + WHEN duplicate_object THEN null; + END $$; + + DO $$ BEGIN + ALTER TABLE "payload_locked_documents_rels" ADD CONSTRAINT "payload_locked_documents_rels_users_fk" FOREIGN KEY ("users_id") REFERENCES "public"."users"("id") ON DELETE cascade ON UPDATE no action; + EXCEPTION + WHEN duplicate_object THEN null; + END $$; + + DO $$ BEGIN + ALTER TABLE "payload_locked_documents_rels" ADD CONSTRAINT "payload_locked_documents_rels_media_fk" FOREIGN KEY ("media_id") REFERENCES "public"."media"("id") ON DELETE cascade ON UPDATE no action; + EXCEPTION + WHEN duplicate_object THEN null; + END $$; + + DO $$ BEGIN + ALTER TABLE "payload_locked_documents_rels" ADD CONSTRAINT "payload_locked_documents_rels_blogs_fk" FOREIGN KEY ("blogs_id") REFERENCES "public"."blogs"("id") ON DELETE cascade ON UPDATE no action; + EXCEPTION + WHEN duplicate_object THEN null; + END $$; + + DO $$ BEGIN + ALTER TABLE "payload_locked_documents_rels" ADD CONSTRAINT "payload_locked_documents_rels_pages_fk" FOREIGN KEY ("pages_id") REFERENCES "public"."pages"("id") ON DELETE cascade ON UPDATE no action; + EXCEPTION + WHEN duplicate_object THEN null; + END $$; + + DO $$ BEGIN + ALTER TABLE "payload_locked_documents_rels" ADD CONSTRAINT "payload_locked_documents_rels_teams_fk" FOREIGN KEY ("teams_id") REFERENCES "public"."teams"("id") ON DELETE cascade ON UPDATE no action; + EXCEPTION + WHEN duplicate_object THEN null; + END $$; + + DO $$ BEGIN + ALTER TABLE "payload_locked_documents_rels" ADD CONSTRAINT "payload_locked_documents_rels_blog_categories_fk" FOREIGN KEY ("blog_categories_id") REFERENCES "public"."blog_categories"("id") ON DELETE cascade ON UPDATE no action; + EXCEPTION + WHEN duplicate_object THEN null; + END $$; + + DO $$ BEGIN + ALTER TABLE "payload_locked_documents_rels" ADD CONSTRAINT "payload_locked_documents_rels_blog_tags_fk" FOREIGN KEY ("blog_tags_id") REFERENCES "public"."blog_tags"("id") ON DELETE cascade ON UPDATE no action; + EXCEPTION + WHEN duplicate_object THEN null; + END $$; + + DO $$ BEGIN + ALTER TABLE "payload_locked_documents_rels" ADD CONSTRAINT "payload_locked_documents_rels_forms_fk" FOREIGN KEY ("forms_id") REFERENCES "public"."forms"("id") ON DELETE cascade ON UPDATE no action; + EXCEPTION + WHEN duplicate_object THEN null; + END $$; + + DO $$ BEGIN + ALTER TABLE "payload_locked_documents_rels" ADD CONSTRAINT "payload_locked_documents_rels_form_submissions_fk" FOREIGN KEY ("form_submissions_id") REFERENCES "public"."form_submissions"("id") ON DELETE cascade ON UPDATE no action; + EXCEPTION + WHEN duplicate_object THEN null; + END $$; + + DO $$ BEGIN + ALTER TABLE "payload_preferences_rels" ADD CONSTRAINT "payload_preferences_rels_parent_fk" FOREIGN KEY ("parent_id") REFERENCES "public"."payload_preferences"("id") ON DELETE cascade ON UPDATE no action; + EXCEPTION + WHEN duplicate_object THEN null; + END $$; + + DO $$ BEGIN + ALTER TABLE "payload_preferences_rels" ADD CONSTRAINT "payload_preferences_rels_users_fk" FOREIGN KEY ("users_id") REFERENCES "public"."users"("id") ON DELETE cascade ON UPDATE no action; + EXCEPTION + WHEN duplicate_object THEN null; + END $$; + + CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "users_updated_at_idx" ON "users" USING btree ("updated_at"); + CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "users_created_at_idx" ON "users" USING btree ("created_at"); + CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "users_email_idx" ON "users" USING btree ("email"); + CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "media_updated_at_idx" ON "media" USING btree ("updated_at"); + CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "media_created_at_idx" ON "media" USING btree ("created_at"); + CREATE UNIQUE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "media_filename_idx" ON "media" USING btree ("filename"); + CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "blogs_img_idx" ON "blogs" USING btree ("img_id"); + CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "blogs_updated_at_idx" ON "blogs" USING btree ("updated_at"); + CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "blogs_created_at_idx" ON "blogs" USING btree ("created_at"); + CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "blogs_rels_order_idx" ON "blogs_rels" USING btree ("order"); + CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "blogs_rels_parent_idx" ON "blogs_rels" USING btree ("parent_id"); + CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "blogs_rels_path_idx" ON "blogs_rels" USING btree ("path"); + CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "blogs_rels_blog_categories_id_idx" ON "blogs_rels" USING btree ("blog_categories_id"); + CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "blogs_rels_blog_tags_id_idx" ON "blogs_rels" USING btree ("blog_tags_id"); + CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "pages_blocks_content_block_order_idx" ON "pages_blocks_content_block" USING btree ("_order"); + CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "pages_blocks_content_block_parent_id_idx" ON "pages_blocks_content_block" USING btree ("_parent_id"); + CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "pages_blocks_content_block_path_idx" ON "pages_blocks_content_block" USING btree ("_path"); + CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "pages_blocks_before_footer_block_order_idx" ON "pages_blocks_before_footer_block" USING btree ("_order"); + CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "pages_blocks_before_footer_block_parent_id_idx" ON "pages_blocks_before_footer_block" USING btree ("_parent_id"); + CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "pages_blocks_before_footer_block_path_idx" ON "pages_blocks_before_footer_block" USING btree ("_path"); + CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "pages_blocks_our_team_block_order_idx" ON "pages_blocks_our_team_block" USING btree ("_order"); + CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "pages_blocks_our_team_block_parent_id_idx" ON "pages_blocks_our_team_block" USING btree ("_parent_id"); + CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "pages_blocks_our_team_block_path_idx" ON "pages_blocks_our_team_block" USING btree ("_path"); + CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "pages_blocks_horizontal_image_content_block_order_idx" ON "pages_blocks_horizontal_image_content_block" USING btree ("_order"); + CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "pages_blocks_horizontal_image_content_block_parent_id_idx" ON "pages_blocks_horizontal_image_content_block" USING btree ("_parent_id"); + CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "pages_blocks_horizontal_image_content_block_path_idx" ON "pages_blocks_horizontal_image_content_block" USING btree ("_path"); + CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "pages_blocks_horizontal_image_content_block_img_idx" ON "pages_blocks_horizontal_image_content_block" USING btree ("img_id"); + CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "pages_blocks_image_slider_block_images_order_idx" ON "pages_blocks_image_slider_block_images" USING btree ("_order"); + CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "pages_blocks_image_slider_block_images_parent_id_idx" ON "pages_blocks_image_slider_block_images" USING btree ("_parent_id"); + CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "pages_blocks_image_slider_block_images_image_idx" ON "pages_blocks_image_slider_block_images" USING btree ("image_id"); + CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "pages_blocks_image_slider_block_order_idx" ON "pages_blocks_image_slider_block" USING btree ("_order"); + CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "pages_blocks_image_slider_block_parent_id_idx" ON "pages_blocks_image_slider_block" USING btree ("_parent_id"); + CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "pages_blocks_image_slider_block_path_idx" ON "pages_blocks_image_slider_block" USING btree ("_path"); + CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "pages_hero_img_idx" ON "pages" USING btree ("hero_img_id"); + CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "pages_updated_at_idx" ON "pages" USING btree ("updated_at"); + CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "pages_created_at_idx" ON "pages" USING btree ("created_at"); + CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "pages_rels_order_idx" ON "pages_rels" USING btree ("order"); + CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "pages_rels_parent_idx" ON "pages_rels" USING btree ("parent_id"); + CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "pages_rels_path_idx" ON "pages_rels" USING btree ("path"); + CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "pages_rels_teams_id_idx" ON "pages_rels" USING btree ("teams_id"); + CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "teams_img_idx" ON "teams" USING btree ("img_id"); + CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "teams_updated_at_idx" ON "teams" USING btree ("updated_at"); + CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "teams_created_at_idx" ON "teams" USING btree ("created_at"); + CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "blog_categories_parent_category_idx" ON "blog_categories" USING btree ("parent_category_id"); + CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "blog_categories_updated_at_idx" ON "blog_categories" USING btree ("updated_at"); + CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "blog_categories_created_at_idx" ON "blog_categories" USING btree ("created_at"); + CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "blog_tags_updated_at_idx" ON "blog_tags" USING btree ("updated_at"); + CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "blog_tags_created_at_idx" ON "blog_tags" USING btree ("created_at"); + CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "forms_blocks_checkbox_order_idx" ON "forms_blocks_checkbox" USING btree ("_order"); + CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "forms_blocks_checkbox_parent_id_idx" ON "forms_blocks_checkbox" USING btree ("_parent_id"); + CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "forms_blocks_checkbox_path_idx" ON "forms_blocks_checkbox" USING btree ("_path"); + CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "forms_blocks_country_order_idx" ON "forms_blocks_country" USING btree ("_order"); + CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "forms_blocks_country_parent_id_idx" ON "forms_blocks_country" USING btree ("_parent_id"); + CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "forms_blocks_country_path_idx" ON "forms_blocks_country" USING btree ("_path"); + CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "forms_blocks_email_order_idx" ON "forms_blocks_email" USING btree ("_order"); + CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "forms_blocks_email_parent_id_idx" ON "forms_blocks_email" USING btree ("_parent_id"); + CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "forms_blocks_email_path_idx" ON "forms_blocks_email" USING btree ("_path"); + CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "forms_blocks_number_order_idx" ON "forms_blocks_number" USING btree ("_order"); + CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "forms_blocks_number_parent_id_idx" ON "forms_blocks_number" USING btree ("_parent_id"); + CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "forms_blocks_number_path_idx" ON "forms_blocks_number" USING btree ("_path"); + CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "forms_blocks_select_options_order_idx" ON "forms_blocks_select_options" USING btree ("_order"); + CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "forms_blocks_select_options_parent_id_idx" ON "forms_blocks_select_options" USING btree ("_parent_id"); + CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "forms_blocks_select_order_idx" ON "forms_blocks_select" USING btree ("_order"); + CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "forms_blocks_select_parent_id_idx" ON "forms_blocks_select" USING btree ("_parent_id"); + CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "forms_blocks_select_path_idx" ON "forms_blocks_select" USING btree ("_path"); 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+ CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "forms_emails_order_idx" ON "forms_emails" USING btree ("_order"); + CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "forms_emails_parent_id_idx" ON "forms_emails" USING btree ("_parent_id"); + CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "forms_updated_at_idx" ON "forms" USING btree ("updated_at"); + CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "forms_created_at_idx" ON "forms" USING btree ("created_at"); + CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "form_submissions_submission_data_order_idx" ON "form_submissions_submission_data" USING btree ("_order"); + CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "form_submissions_submission_data_parent_id_idx" ON "form_submissions_submission_data" USING btree ("_parent_id"); + CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "form_submissions_form_idx" ON "form_submissions" USING btree ("form_id"); + CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "form_submissions_updated_at_idx" ON "form_submissions" USING btree ("updated_at"); + CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "form_submissions_created_at_idx" ON "form_submissions" USING btree ("created_at"); + CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "payload_locked_documents_global_slug_idx" ON "payload_locked_documents" USING btree ("global_slug"); + CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "payload_locked_documents_updated_at_idx" ON "payload_locked_documents" USING btree ("updated_at"); + CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "payload_locked_documents_created_at_idx" ON "payload_locked_documents" USING btree ("created_at"); + CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "payload_locked_documents_rels_order_idx" ON "payload_locked_documents_rels" USING btree ("order"); + CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "payload_locked_documents_rels_parent_idx" ON "payload_locked_documents_rels" USING btree ("parent_id"); + CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "payload_locked_documents_rels_path_idx" ON "payload_locked_documents_rels" USING btree ("path"); + CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "payload_locked_documents_rels_users_id_idx" ON "payload_locked_documents_rels" USING btree ("users_id"); + CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "payload_locked_documents_rels_media_id_idx" ON "payload_locked_documents_rels" USING btree ("media_id"); + CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "payload_locked_documents_rels_blogs_id_idx" ON "payload_locked_documents_rels" USING btree ("blogs_id"); + CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "payload_locked_documents_rels_pages_id_idx" ON "payload_locked_documents_rels" USING btree ("pages_id"); + CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "payload_locked_documents_rels_teams_id_idx" ON "payload_locked_documents_rels" USING btree ("teams_id"); + CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "payload_locked_documents_rels_blog_categories_id_idx" ON "payload_locked_documents_rels" USING btree ("blog_categories_id"); + CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "payload_locked_documents_rels_blog_tags_id_idx" ON "payload_locked_documents_rels" USING btree ("blog_tags_id"); + CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "payload_locked_documents_rels_forms_id_idx" ON "payload_locked_documents_rels" USING btree ("forms_id"); + CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "payload_locked_documents_rels_form_submissions_id_idx" ON "payload_locked_documents_rels" USING btree ("form_submissions_id"); + CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "payload_preferences_key_idx" ON "payload_preferences" USING btree ("key"); + CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "payload_preferences_updated_at_idx" ON "payload_preferences" USING btree ("updated_at"); + CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "payload_preferences_created_at_idx" ON "payload_preferences" USING btree ("created_at"); + CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "payload_preferences_rels_order_idx" ON "payload_preferences_rels" USING btree ("order"); + CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "payload_preferences_rels_parent_idx" ON "payload_preferences_rels" USING btree ("parent_id"); + CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "payload_preferences_rels_path_idx" ON "payload_preferences_rels" USING btree ("path"); + CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "payload_preferences_rels_users_id_idx" ON "payload_preferences_rels" USING btree ("users_id"); + CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "payload_migrations_updated_at_idx" ON "payload_migrations" USING btree ("updated_at"); + CREATE INDEX IF NOT EXISTS "payload_migrations_created_at_idx" ON "payload_migrations" USING btree ("created_at");`) +} + +export async function down({ db, payload, req }: MigrateDownArgs): Promise { + await db.execute(sql` + DROP TABLE "users" CASCADE; + DROP TABLE "media" CASCADE; + DROP TABLE "blogs" CASCADE; + DROP TABLE "blogs_rels" CASCADE; + DROP TABLE "pages_blocks_content_block" CASCADE; + DROP TABLE "pages_blocks_before_footer_block" CASCADE; + DROP TABLE "pages_blocks_our_team_block" CASCADE; + DROP TABLE "pages_blocks_horizontal_image_content_block" CASCADE; + DROP TABLE "pages_blocks_image_slider_block_images" CASCADE; + DROP TABLE "pages_blocks_image_slider_block" CASCADE; + DROP TABLE "pages" CASCADE; + DROP TABLE "pages_rels" CASCADE; + DROP TABLE "teams" CASCADE; + DROP TABLE "blog_categories" CASCADE; + DROP TABLE "blog_tags" CASCADE; + DROP TABLE "forms_blocks_checkbox" CASCADE; + DROP TABLE "forms_blocks_country" CASCADE; + DROP TABLE "forms_blocks_email" CASCADE; + DROP TABLE "forms_blocks_number" CASCADE; + DROP TABLE "forms_blocks_select_options" CASCADE; + DROP TABLE "forms_blocks_select" CASCADE; + DROP TABLE "forms_blocks_state" CASCADE; + DROP TABLE "forms_blocks_text" CASCADE; + DROP TABLE "forms_blocks_textarea" CASCADE; + DROP TABLE "forms_emails" CASCADE; + DROP TABLE "forms" CASCADE; + DROP TABLE "form_submissions_submission_data" CASCADE; + DROP TABLE "form_submissions" CASCADE; + DROP TABLE "payload_locked_documents" CASCADE; + DROP TABLE "payload_locked_documents_rels" CASCADE; + DROP TABLE "payload_preferences" CASCADE; + DROP TABLE "payload_preferences_rels" CASCADE; + DROP TABLE "payload_migrations" CASCADE; + DROP TYPE "public"."enum_forms_confirmation_type";`) +} diff --git a/src/migrations/index.ts b/src/migrations/index.ts new file mode 100644 index 0000000..c7cadb6 --- /dev/null +++ b/src/migrations/index.ts @@ -0,0 +1,9 @@ +import * as migration_20250212_164255_cannonical from './20250212_164255_cannonical'; + +export const migrations = [ + { + up: migration_20250212_164255_cannonical.up, + down: migration_20250212_164255_cannonical.down, + name: '20250212_164255_cannonical' + }, +];