diff --git a/src/app/(main)/slick-about-dark/AboutDropdown.tsx b/src/app/(main)/slick-about-dark/AboutDropdown.tsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 46f7854..0000000
--- a/src/app/(main)/slick-about-dark/AboutDropdown.tsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,54 +0,0 @@
-"use client";
-import React, { useState, useRef } from "react";
-import Link from "next/link";
-export default function AboutDropdown() {
-  // State to manage dropdown visibility
-  const [isDropdownOpen, setIsDropdownOpen] = useState(false);
-  const dropdownRef = useRef(null);
-  // Toggle dropdown visibility
-  const toggleDropdown = () => {
-    setIsDropdownOpen(!isDropdownOpen);
-  };
-  return (
-    <li className="relative group">
-      <a
-        href="#"
-        className="mn-has-sub opacity-1 text-black hover:text-purple-700 font-semibold px-4 py-2 flex items-center"
-        onClick={(e) => {
-          e.preventDefault();
-          toggleDropdown();
-        }}
-      >
-        About <i className="ml-1 mi-chevron-down" />
-      </a>
-      {/* Dropdown menu with sliding effect */}
-      <ul
-        className={`absolute left-0 mt-2 w-56 bg-white shadow-lg rounded-md border border-gray-300 transition-all duration-300 ${
-          isDropdownOpen ? "opacity-100 visible scale-100" : "opacity-0 invisible scale-95"
-        }`}
-        ref={dropdownRef}
-      >
-        <li className="group relative">
-          <Link href="/oncology-center" className="block px-4 py-2 text-purple-700 hover:bg-gray-200">
-            Our Oncology Center
-          </Link>
-        </li>
-        <li className="group relative">
-          <Link href="/staff" className="block px-4 py-2 text-black hover:bg-gray-200">
-            Our Staff
-          </Link>
-        </li>
-        <li className="group relative">
-          <Link href="/announcements" className="block px-4 py-2 text-black hover:bg-gray-200">
-            Announcements
-          </Link>
-        </li>
-      </ul>
-    </li>
-  );
diff --git a/src/app/(main)/slick-about-dark/page.tsx b/src/app/(main)/slick-about-dark/page.tsx
deleted file mode 100644
index a9b21e2..0000000
--- a/src/app/(main)/slick-about-dark/page.tsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,84 +0,0 @@
-import Image from "next/image";
-export const metadata = {
-  title: "Slick About Dark || Cochise Oncology",
-  description: "Cochise Oncology",
-const dark = true;
-export default function SlickAboutPageDark() {
-  return (
-    <>
-      <section
-        className="page-section bg-dark-1 bg-gradient-gray-dark-1 light-content bg-scroll overflow-hidden"
-        id="home"
-      >
-        {/* <!-- Background Shape --> */}
-        <div className="bg-shape-1 opacity-003">
-          <Image src="/assets/adobstock-example.webp" width={1443} height={844} alt="" />
-        </div>
-        {/* <!-- End Background Shape --> */}
-        <div className="container position-relative pt-sm-40 text-center">
-          <div className="row">
-            <div className="col-md-10 offset-md-1 col-lg-8 offset-lg-2">
-              <h1 className="hs-title-10 mb-10 wow fadeInUp">Our Oncology Center</h1>
-              {/* <p className="section-descr mb-0 wow fadeInUp" data-wow-delay="0.2s">
-                Crafting immersive digital journeys for brands.
-              </p> */}
-            </div>
-          </div>
-        </div>
-      </section>
-      {/* <section className="page-section bg-white"> */}
-      <section className="page-section text-center bg-white py16 scrollSpysection" id="about">
-        <div className="container position-relative text-center">
-          <div className="row">
-            <div className="col-md-10 offset-md-1 col-lg-8 offset-lg-2">
-              <h2 className="section-title mb-20">Our Commitment to Excellence</h2>
-              <p className="text-gray">
-                Get compassionate care and excellent medical services from COCHISE ONCOLOGY in Sierra Vista, Arizona. We
-                offer a multidisciplinary approach to cancer care with multiple physicians who work together to guide
-                each patient through diagnosis, treatment, and recovery. Our services cover radiation, chemotherapy,
-                immunotherapy, hematology, and infusion services.
-              </p>
-              <p className="text-gray">
-                Cochise Oncology’s professional staff works hard to ensure a positive experience throughout the entire
-                course of treatment. While we are best known for our leading-edge cancer therapies, we take particular
-                pride in compassion and dedication to our doctors and entire staff. Excellence in patient care on every
-                level is our commitment.
-              </p>
-              <p className="text-gray">
-                Here at Cochise Oncology, we offer the most up-to-date technology in cancer treatment that rivals the
-                largest and most prestigious centers in the country.
-              </p>
-              <p className="text-gray">We go the extra mile to address the needs of our patients.</p>
-            </div>
-          </div>
-        </div>
-      </section>
-      <section
-        className={`page-section text-white text-center py16 scrollSpysection  ${dark ? "bg-dark-1  light-content" : "bg-light-alpha-90"}  bg-scroll`}
-        id="about"
-      >
-        <div className="container mx-auto px-6">
-          <h2 className="text-3xl font-bold mb-4">Begin your path to healing with Cochise Oncology</h2>
-          <p className="text-lg mb-6">
-            Our dedicated team in Sierra Vista, AZ is here to support you with hope, strength, and courage. We offer
-            personalized cancer care using innovative treatments in our state-of-the-art facility. Take the first step
-            towards comprehensive, patient-focused treatment by scheduling a consultation. Let us listen to your needs,
-            answer your questions, and create a tailored plan for your journey. Fill out our form to connect with our
-            compassionate experts and discover how Cochise Oncology can stand with you in your fight against cancer.
-          </p>
-          <a href="#" className="bg-purple-600 hover:bg-purple-700 text-white py-3 px-6 rounded-lg text-lg">
-            Get Started →
-          </a>
-        </div>
-      </section>
-    </>
-  );
diff --git a/src/app/(main)/slick-about-dark/page1.tsx b/src/app/(main)/slick-about-dark/page1.tsx
deleted file mode 100644
index c33b78a..0000000
--- a/src/app/(main)/slick-about-dark/page1.tsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,226 +0,0 @@
-import Facts from "@/components/Facts";
-import Testimonials from "@/components/Testimonials";
-import TestimonialsDark from "@/components/TestimonialsDark";
-import { features4 } from "@/data/features";
-import Image from "next/image";
-import Link from "next/link";
-export const metadata = {
-  title: "Slick About Dark || Cochise Oncology",
-  description: "Cochise Oncology",
-const dark = true;
-export default function SlickAboutPageDark() {
-  return (
-    <>
-      <section
-        className="page-section bg-dark-1 bg-gradient-gray-dark-1 light-content bg-scroll overflow-hidden"
-        id="home"
-      >
-        {/* <!-- Background Shape --> */}
-        <div className="bg-shape-1 opacity-003">
-          <Image src="/assets/adobstock-example.webp" width={1443} height={844} alt="" />
-        </div>
-        {/* <!-- End Background Shape --> */}
-        <div className="container position-relative pt-sm-40 text-center">
-          <div className="row">
-            <div className="col-md-10 offset-md-1 col-lg-8 offset-lg-2">
-              <h1 className="hs-title-10 mb-10 wow fadeInUp">Our Oncology Center</h1>
-              {/* <p className="section-descr mb-0 wow fadeInUp" data-wow-delay="0.2s">
-                Crafting immersive digital journeys for brands.
-              </p> */}
-            </div>
-          </div>
-        </div>
-      </section>
-      {/* <section className="page-section bg-white"> */}
-      <section className="page-section text-center bg-white py16 scrollSpysection" id="about">
-        <div className="container position-relative text-center">
-          <div className="row">
-            <div className="col-md-10 offset-md-1 col-lg-8 offset-lg-2">
-              <h2 className="section-title mb-20">Our Commitment to Excellence</h2>
-              <p className="text-gray">
-                Get compassionate care and excellent medical services from COCHISE ONCOLOGY in Sierra Vista, Arizona. We
-                offer a multidisciplinary approach to cancer care with multiple physicians who work together to guide
-                each patient through diagnosis, treatment, and recovery. Our services cover radiation, chemotherapy,
-                immunotherapy, hematology, and infusion services.
-              </p>
-              <p className="text-gray">
-                Cochise Oncology’s professional staff works hard to ensure a positive experience throughout the entire
-                course of treatment. While we are best known for our leading-edge cancer therapies, we take particular
-                pride in compassion and dedication to our doctors and entire staff. Excellence in patient care on every
-                level is our commitment.
-              </p>
-              <p className="text-gray">
-                Here at Cochise Oncology, we offer the most up-to-date technology in cancer treatment that rivals the
-                largest and most prestigious centers in the country.
-              </p>
-              <p className="text-gray">We go the extra mile to address the needs of our patients.</p>
-            </div>
-          </div>
-        </div>
-      </section>
-      <section
-        className={`page-section text-white text-center py16 scrollSpysection  ${dark ? "bg-dark-1  light-content" : "bg-light-alpha-90"}  bg-scroll`}
-        id="about"
-      >
-        <div className="container mx-auto px-6">
-          <h2 className="text-3xl font-bold mb-4">Begin your path to healing with Cochise Oncology</h2>
-          <p className="text-lg mb-6">
-            Our dedicated team in Sierra Vista, AZ is here to support you with hope, strength, and courage. We offer
-            personalized cancer care using innovative treatments in our state-of-the-art facility. Take the first step
-            towards comprehensive, patient-focused treatment by scheduling a consultation. Let us listen to your needs,
-            answer your questions, and create a tailored plan for your journey. Fill out our form to connect with our
-            compassionate experts and discover how Cochise Oncology can stand with you in your fight against cancer.
-          </p>
-          <a href="#" className="bg-purple-600 hover:bg-purple-700 text-white py-3 px-6 rounded-lg text-lg">
-            Get Started →
-          </a>
-        </div>
-      </section>
-      <section className={`page-section scrollSpysection  ${dark ? "bg-dark-1 light-content" : ""} `} id="about">
-        <div className="container position-relative">
-          <div className="row">
-            {/* Section Text */}
-            <div className="col-lg-6 d-flex align-items-center order-first order-lg-last mb-md-60 mb-sm-40">
-              <div className="w-100 wow fadeInUp">
-                <h2 className="section-caption-slick mb-30 mb-sm-20">Our Story</h2>
-                <h3 className="section-title mb-30">We believe in creatives with a&nbsp;passion to smart design.</h3>
-                <p className="text-gray mb-40">
-                  Etiam fermentum vehicula faucibus. Praesent ullamcorper urna id arcu molestie scelerisque. Sed
-                  imperdiet tristique mauris et faucibus. Maecenas semper augue non fringilla placerat. Curabitur luctus
-                  erat sit amet ultricies aliquam. Donec dictum convallis mauris et maximus. Nullam massa arcu, porta
-                  quis felis et, eleifend varius quam.
-                </p>
-                {/* Features List */}
-                <div className="row features-list mt-n20 mb-50 mb-sm-30">
-                  {/* Features List Item */}
-                  {features4.map((feature, index) => (
-                    <div key={index} className="col-sm-6 col-lg-12 col-xl-6 d-flex mt-20">
-                      <div className="features-list-icon">
-                        <i className="mi-check" />
-                      </div>
-                      <div className="features-list-text">{feature.text}</div>
-                    </div>
-                  ))}
-                  {/* End Features List Item */}
-                </div>
-                {/* End Features List */}
-                <div className="local-scroll wch-unset">
-                  <Link
-                    href={`/slick-contact${dark ? "-dark" : ""}`}
-                    className="btn btn-mod btn-color btn-large btn-circle btn-hover-anim mb-xs-10"
-                  >
-                    <span>Start a project</span>
-                  </Link>
-                  <Link
-                    href={`/slick-about${dark ? "-dark" : ""}`}
-                    className="link-hover-anim ms-2 ms-sm-5 me-2"
-                    data-link-animate="y"
-                  >
-                    <span className="link-strong link-strong-unhovered">
-                      Learn more <i className="mi-arrow-right size-24" aria-hidden="true"></i>
-                    </span>
-                    <span className="link-strong link-strong-hovered" aria-hidden="true">
-                      Learn more <i className="mi-arrow-right size-24" aria-hidden="true"></i>
-                    </span>
-                  </Link>
-                </div>
-              </div>
-            </div>
-            {/* End Section Text */}
-            {/* Image */}
-            <div className="col-lg-6 d-flex align-items-center">
-              <div className="w-100 pe-lg-5">
-                <div className="composition-5">
-                  <div className="composition-5-decoration opacity-065">
-                    <Image src="/assets/images/demo-slick/decoration-1.svg" alt="" width={228} height={228} />
-                  </div>
-                  <div className="composition-5-image-1">
-                    <div className="composition-5-image-1-inner">
-                      <Image
-                        src="/assets/images/demo-slick/hs-image-3.jpg"
-                        alt="Image Description"
-                        width={850}
-                        height={914}
-                        className="wow scaleOutIn"
-                        data-wow-offset={200}
-                      />
-                    </div>
-                  </div>
-                  <div className="composition-5-image-2">
-                    <div className="composition-5-image-2-inner">
-                      <Image
-                        src="/assets/images/demo-slick/hs-image-4.jpg"
-                        alt="Image Description"
-                        width={400}
-                        height={400}
-                        className="wow scaleOutIn"
-                        data-wow-offset={0}
-                      />
-                    </div>
-                  </div>
-                </div>
-              </div>
-            </div>
-            {/* End Images */}
-          </div>
-        </div>
-      </section>
-      <section
-        className={`page-section ${dark ? "bg-dark-1 bg-dark-alpha light-content" : "bg-light-alpha-90"}  bg-scroll`}
-        style={{
-          backgroundImage: "url(/assets/images/demo-slick/section-bg-1.jpg)",
-        }}
-      >
-        <Facts />
-      </section>
-      <section className={`page-section  ${dark ? "bg-dark-1 light-content" : ""} `}>
-        {dark ? <TestimonialsDark /> : <Testimonials />}
-      </section>
-      <section className="page-section pt-0">
-        <div className="container">
-          <div
-            className={`small-section ${
-              dark ? "bg-dark-2 light-content" : "bg-gray-light-1"
-            }  ps-4 ps-lg-0 pe-4 pe-lg-0 round position-relative overflow-hidden`}
-          >
-            {/* Decoration Circles */}
-            <div className="decoration-12" />
-            <div className="decoration-13" />
-            {/* End Decoration Circles */}
-            <div className="row">
-              <div className="col-lg-10 offset-lg-1 col-xl-8 offset-xl-2">
-                <div className="row">
-                  <div className="col-md-7 col-lg-8 text-center text-md-start mb-sm-20">
-                    <h2 className="section-title-small mb-20">Like our creative works?</h2>
-                    <p className="text-gray mb-0">
-                      Quisque posuere mollis ullamcorper. Ut eget metus lorem ipsum posuere eget at ex. Aenean consequat
-                      vitae lorem in vehicula.
-                    </p>
-                  </div>
-                  <div className="col-md-5 col-lg-4 text-center text-md-end pt-2">
-                    <Link
-                      href={`/slick-portfolio${dark ? "-dark" : ""}`}
-                      className="btn btn-mod btn-color btn-large btn-circle btn-hover-anim"
-                    >
-                      <span>View all works</span>
-                    </Link>
-                  </div>
-                </div>
-              </div>
-            </div>
-          </div>
-        </div>
-      </section>
-    </>
-  );
diff --git a/src/app/(main)/slick-about/page.tsx b/src/app/(main)/slick-about/page.tsx
deleted file mode 100644
index ad42177..0000000
--- a/src/app/(main)/slick-about/page.tsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,174 +0,0 @@
-import Facts from "@/components/Facts";
-import Testimonials from "@/components/Testimonials";
-import TestimonialsDark from "@/components/TestimonialsDark";
-import { features4 } from "@/data/features";
-import Image from "next/image";
-import Link from "next/link";
-export const metadata = {
-  title: "Slick About || Cochise Oncology",
-  description: "Cochise Oncology",
-const dark = false;
-export default function SlickAboutPage() {
-  return (
-    <>
-      <section className="page-section bg-gradient-gray-light-1 bg-scroll overflow-hidden" id="home">
-        {/* <!-- Background Shape --> */}
-        <div className="bg-shape-1 wow fadeIn">
-          <Image src="/assets/images/demo-fancy/bg-shape-1.svg" width={1443} height={844} alt="" />
-        </div>
-        {/* <!-- End Background Shape --> */}
-        <div className="container position-relative pt-sm-40 text-center">
-          <div className="row">
-            <div className="col-md-10 offset-md-1 col-lg-8 offset-lg-2">
-              <h1 className="hs-title-10 mb-10 wow fadeInUp">About Studio</h1>
-              <p className="section-descr mb-0 wow fadeInUp" data-wow-delay="0.2s">
-                Crafting immersive digital journeys for brands.
-              </p>
-            </div>
-          </div>
-        </div>
-      </section>
-      <section className={`page-section scrollSpysection  ${dark ? "bg-dark-1 light-content" : ""} `} id="about">
-        <div className="container position-relative">
-          <div className="row">
-            {/* Section Text */}
-            <div className="col-lg-6 d-flex align-items-center order-first order-lg-last mb-md-60 mb-sm-40">
-              <div className="w-100 wow fadeInUp">
-                <h2 className="section-caption-slick mb-30 mb-sm-20">Our Story</h2>
-                <h3 className="section-title mb-30">We believe in creatives with a&nbsp;passion to smart design.</h3>
-                <p className="text-gray mb-40">
-                  Etiam fermentum vehicula faucibus. Praesent ullamcorper urna id arcu molestie scelerisque. Sed
-                  imperdiet tristique mauris et faucibus. Maecenas semper augue non fringilla placerat. Curabitur luctus
-                  erat sit amet ultricies aliquam. Donec dictum convallis mauris et maximus. Nullam massa arcu, porta
-                  quis felis et, eleifend varius quam.
-                </p>
-                {/* Features List */}
-                <div className="row features-list mt-n20 mb-50 mb-sm-30">
-                  {/* Features List Item */}
-                  {features4.map((feature, index) => (
-                    <div key={index} className="col-sm-6 col-lg-12 col-xl-6 d-flex mt-20">
-                      <div className="features-list-icon">
-                        <i className="mi-check" />
-                      </div>
-                      <div className="features-list-text">{feature.text}</div>
-                    </div>
-                  ))}
-                  {/* End Features List Item */}
-                </div>
-                {/* End Features List */}
-                <div className="local-scroll wch-unset">
-                  <Link
-                    href={`/slick-contact${dark ? "-dark" : ""}`}
-                    className="btn btn-mod btn-color btn-large btn-circle btn-hover-anim mb-xs-10"
-                  >
-                    <span>Start a project</span>
-                  </Link>
-                  <Link
-                    href={`/slick-about${dark ? "-dark" : ""}`}
-                    className="link-hover-anim ms-2 ms-sm-5 me-2"
-                    data-link-animate="y"
-                  >
-                    <span className="link-strong link-strong-unhovered">
-                      Learn more <i className="mi-arrow-right size-24" aria-hidden="true"></i>
-                    </span>
-                    <span className="link-strong link-strong-hovered" aria-hidden="true">
-                      Learn more <i className="mi-arrow-right size-24" aria-hidden="true"></i>
-                    </span>
-                  </Link>
-                </div>
-              </div>
-            </div>
-            {/* End Section Text */}
-            {/* Image */}
-            <div className="col-lg-6 d-flex align-items-center">
-              <div className="w-100 pe-lg-5">
-                <div className="composition-5">
-                  <div className="composition-5-decoration opacity-065">
-                    <Image src="/assets/images/demo-slick/decoration-1.svg" alt="" width={228} height={228} />
-                  </div>
-                  <div className="composition-5-image-1">
-                    <div className="composition-5-image-1-inner">
-                      <Image
-                        src="/assets/images/demo-slick/hs-image-3.jpg"
-                        alt="Image Description"
-                        width={850}
-                        height={914}
-                        className="wow scaleOutIn"
-                        data-wow-offset={200}
-                      />
-                    </div>
-                  </div>
-                  <div className="composition-5-image-2">
-                    <div className="composition-5-image-2-inner">
-                      <Image
-                        src="/assets/images/demo-slick/hs-image-4.jpg"
-                        alt="Image Description"
-                        width={400}
-                        height={400}
-                        className="wow scaleOutIn"
-                        data-wow-offset={0}
-                      />
-                    </div>
-                  </div>
-                </div>
-              </div>
-            </div>
-            {/* End Images */}
-          </div>
-        </div>
-      </section>
-      <section
-        className={`page-section ${dark ? "bg-dark-1 bg-dark-alpha light-content" : "bg-light-alpha-90"}  bg-scroll`}
-        style={{
-          backgroundImage: "url(/assets/images/demo-slick/section-bg-1.jpg)",
-        }}
-      >
-        <Facts />
-      </section>
-      <section className={`page-section  ${dark ? "bg-dark-1 light-content" : ""} `}>
-        {dark ? <TestimonialsDark /> : <Testimonials />}
-      </section>
-      <section className="page-section pt-0">
-        <div className="container">
-          <div
-            className={`small-section ${
-              dark ? "bg-dark-2 light-content" : "bg-gray-light-1"
-            }  ps-4 ps-lg-0 pe-4 pe-lg-0 round position-relative overflow-hidden`}
-          >
-            {/* Decoration Circles */}
-            <div className="decoration-12" />
-            <div className="decoration-13" />
-            {/* End Decoration Circles */}
-            <div className="row">
-              <div className="col-lg-10 offset-lg-1 col-xl-8 offset-xl-2">
-                <div className="row">
-                  <div className="col-md-7 col-lg-8 text-center text-md-start mb-sm-20">
-                    <h2 className="section-title-small mb-20">Like our creative works?</h2>
-                    <p className="text-gray mb-0">
-                      Quisque posuere mollis ullamcorper. Ut eget metus lorem ipsum posuere eget at ex. Aenean consequat
-                      vitae lorem in vehicula.
-                    </p>
-                  </div>
-                  <div className="col-md-5 col-lg-4 text-center text-md-end pt-2">
-                    <Link
-                      href={`/slick-portfolio${dark ? "-dark" : ""}`}
-                      className="btn btn-mod btn-color btn-large btn-circle btn-hover-anim"
-                    >
-                      <span>View all works</span>
-                    </Link>
-                  </div>
-                </div>
-              </div>
-            </div>
-          </div>
-        </div>
-      </section>
-    </>
-  );
diff --git a/src/app/(main)/slick-portfolio/page.tsx b/src/app/(main)/slick-portfolio/page.tsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 41c4279..0000000
--- a/src/app/(main)/slick-portfolio/page.tsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,76 +0,0 @@
-import Portfolio from "@/components/Portfolio";
-import Image from "next/image";
-import Link from "next/link";
-export const metadata = {
-  title: "Slick Portfolio || Cochise Oncology",
-  description: "Cochise Oncology",
-const dark = false;
-export default function SlickPortfolioPage() {
-  return (
-    <>
-      <section className="page-section bg-gradient-gray-light-1 bg-scroll overflow-hidden" id="home">
-        {/* <!-- Background Shape --> */}
-        <div className="bg-shape-1 wow fadeIn">
-          <Image src="/assets/images/demo-fancy/bg-shape-1.svg" width={1443} height={844} alt="" />
-        </div>
-        {/* <!-- End Background Shape --> */}
-        <div className="container position-relative pt-sm-40 text-center">
-          <div className="row">
-            <div className="col-md-10 offset-md-1 col-lg-8 offset-lg-2">
-              <h1 className="hs-title-10 mb-10 wow fadeInUp">Portfolio</h1>
-              <p className="section-descr mb-0 wow fadeInUp" data-wow-delay="0.2s">
-                Explore captivating web design solutions.
-              </p>
-            </div>
-          </div>
-        </div>
-      </section>
-      <section className={`page-section  scrollSpysection  ${dark ? "bg-dark-1 light-content" : ""} `} id="portfolio">
-        <div className="container position-relative">
-          <Portfolio />
-        </div>
-      </section>
-      <section className="page-section pt-0">
-        <div className="container">
-          <div
-            className={`small-section ${
-              dark ? "bg-dark-2 light-content" : "bg-gray-light-1"
-            }  ps-4 ps-lg-0 pe-4 pe-lg-0 round position-relative overflow-hidden`}
-          >
-            {/* Decoration Circles */}
-            <div className="decoration-12" />
-            <div className="decoration-13" />
-            {/* End Decoration Circles */}
-            <div className="row">
-              <div className="col-lg-10 offset-lg-1 col-xl-8 offset-xl-2">
-                <div className="row">
-                  <div className="col-md-7 col-lg-8 text-center text-md-start mb-sm-20">
-                    <h2 className="section-title-small mb-20">Like our creative works?</h2>
-                    <p className="text-gray mb-0">
-                      Quisque posuere mollis ullamcorper. Ut eget metus lorem ipsum posuere eget at ex. Aenean consequat
-                      vitae lorem in vehicula.
-                    </p>
-                  </div>
-                  <div className="col-md-5 col-lg-4 text-center text-md-end pt-2">
-                    <Link
-                      href={`/slick-portfolio${dark ? "-dark" : ""}`}
-                      className="btn btn-mod btn-color btn-large btn-circle btn-hover-anim"
-                    >
-                      <span>View all works</span>
-                    </Link>
-                  </div>
-                </div>
-              </div>
-            </div>
-          </div>
-        </div>
-      </section>
-    </>
-  );
diff --git a/src/app/(main)/slick-services/page.tsx b/src/app/(main)/slick-services/page.tsx
deleted file mode 100644
index 8afcceb..0000000
--- a/src/app/(main)/slick-services/page.tsx
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,191 +0,0 @@
-import Features from "@/components/Features";
-import Service from "@/components/Service";
-import Image from "next/image";
-import Link from "next/link";
-export const metadata = {
-  title: "Slick Services || Cochise Oncology",
-  description: "Cochise Oncology",
-const dark = false;
-export default function SlickServicesPage() {
-  return (
-    <>
-      <section className="page-section bg-gradient-gray-light-1 bg-scroll overflow-hidden" id="home">
-        {/* <!-- Background Shape --> */}
-        <div className="bg-shape-1 wow fadeIn">
-          <Image src="/assets/images/demo-fancy/bg-shape-1.svg" width={1443} height={844} alt="" />
-        </div>
-        {/* <!-- End Background Shape --> */}
-        <div className="container position-relative pt-sm-40 text-center">
-          <div className="row">
-            <div className="col-md-10 offset-md-1 col-lg-8 offset-lg-2">
-              <h1 className="hs-title-10 mb-10 wow fadeInUp">Our Services</h1>
-              <p className="section-descr mb-0 wow fadeInUp" data-wow-delay="0.2s">
-                Web design that leaves an impression.
-              </p>
-            </div>
-          </div>
-        </div>
-      </section>
-      <section className={`page-section  scrollSpysection  ${dark ? "bg-dark-1 light-content" : ""} `} id="services">
-        <div className="container position-relative">
-          <div className="row">
-            {/* Left Column */}
-            <div className="col-lg-5 mb-md-60 mb-sm-40">
-              <h2 className="section-caption-slick mb-30 mb-sm-20">WHAT WE DO</h2>
-              <h3 className="section-title mb-30">We provide the best development solutions.</h3>
-              <p className="section-descr mb-50 mb-sm-40">
-                The power of design help us to solve complex problems and cultivate business solutions.
-              </p>
-              <div className="local-scroll">
-                <Link
-                  href={`/slick-contact${dark ? "-dark" : ""}`}
-                  className="btn btn-mod btn-color btn-large btn-circle btn-hover-anim mb-xs-10"
-                >
-                  <span>Request a quote</span>
-                </Link>
-              </div>
-            </div>
-            {/* End Left Column */}
-            {/* Right Column */}
-            <Service />
-            {/* End Right Column */}
-          </div>
-          <div className="page-section">
-            <hr className="mt-0 mb-0" />
-          </div>
-          <div className="row mb-50 mb-sm-50">
-            <div className="col-md-10 offset-md-1 col-lg-8 offset-lg-2 col-xl-6 offset-xl-3 text-center">
-              <h2 className="section-title-small mb-20">Why choose Resonance?</h2>
-              <p className="text-gray mb-0">
-                Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et
-                dolore magna aliqua.
-              </p>
-            </div>
-          </div>
-          {/* Features Grid */}
-          <Features />
-          {/* End Features Grid */}
-        </div>
-      </section>
-      <hr className={`mt-0 mb-0 ${dark ? "white" : ""} `} />
-      <section className={`page-section  ${dark ? "bg-dark-1 light-content" : ""}`}>
-        <div className="container position-relative">
-          <div className="row">
-            {/* Images */}
-            <div className="col-lg-7 d-flex align-items-start mb-md-60 mb-xs-30">
-              <div className="call-action-2-images">
-                <div
-                  className="call-action-2-image-1"
-                  data-rellax-y=""
-                  data-rellax-speed="0.5"
-                  data-rellax-percentage="0.7"
-                >
-                  <Image
-                    width={386}
-                    height={400}
-                    src="/assets/images/promo-3.jpg"
-                    alt="Image Description"
-                    className="wow scaleOutIn"
-                    data-wow-duration="1.2s"
-                    data-wow-offset={255}
-                  />
-                </div>
-                <div className="call-action-2-image-2">
-                  <Image
-                    width={810}
-                    height={512}
-                    src="/assets/images/promo-4.jpg"
-                    alt="Image Description"
-                    className="wow scaleOutIn"
-                    data-wow-duration="1.2s"
-                    data-wow-offset={134}
-                  />
-                </div>
-                <div
-                  className="call-action-2-image-3"
-                  data-rellax-y=""
-                  data-rellax-speed="-0.5"
-                  data-rellax-percentage="0.5"
-                >
-                  <Image
-                    width={386}
-                    height={500}
-                    src="/assets/images/promo-5.jpg"
-                    alt="Image Description"
-                    className="wow scaleOutIn"
-                    data-wow-duration="1.2s"
-                    data-wow-offset={0}
-                  />
-                </div>
-              </div>
-            </div>
-            {/* End Images */}
-            {/* Text */}
-            <div className="col-lg-5 d-flex align-items-center">
-              <div className="wow fadeInUp" data-wow-duration="1.2s" data-wow-offset="255">
-                <h2 className="section-caption-slick mb-30 mb-sm-20">How we work?</h2>
-                <h2 className="section-title mb-30">Get the power of the professional services</h2>
-                <p className="text-gray">
-                  Pellentesque ultrices purus sit amet velit eleifend, eu iaculis velit malesuada. Proin id mattis elit.
-                  Nullam a nisi tellus. Mauris rhoncus diam in sem maximus, nec luctus justo imperdiet. Etiam fermentum
-                  vehicula faucibus.
-                </p>
-                <p className="text-gray mb-0">
-                  Praesent ullamcorper urna id arcu molestie scelerisque. Sed imperdiet tristique mauris et faucibus.
-                  Maecenas semper augue non fringilla placerat. Curabitur luctus erat sit amet ultricies aliquam. Donec
-                  dictum convallis mauris et maximus. Nullam massa arcu, porta quis felis et, eleifend varius quam.
-                </p>
-              </div>
-            </div>
-            {/* End Text */}
-          </div>
-        </div>
-      </section>
-      <section className="page-section pt-0">
-        <div className="container">
-          <div
-            className={`small-section ${
-              dark ? "bg-dark-2 light-content" : "bg-gray-light-1"
-            }  ps-4 ps-lg-0 pe-4 pe-lg-0 round position-relative overflow-hidden`}
-          >
-            {/* Decoration Circles */}
-            <div className="decoration-12" />
-            <div className="decoration-13" />
-            {/* End Decoration Circles */}
-            <div className="row">
-              <div className="col-lg-10 offset-lg-1 col-xl-8 offset-xl-2">
-                <div className="row">
-                  <div className="col-md-7 col-lg-8 text-center text-md-start mb-sm-20">
-                    <h2 className="section-title-small mb-20">Like our creative works?</h2>
-                    <p className="text-gray mb-0">
-                      Quisque posuere mollis ullamcorper. Ut eget metus lorem ipsum posuere eget at ex. Aenean consequat
-                      vitae lorem in vehicula.
-                    </p>
-                  </div>
-                  <div className="col-md-5 col-lg-4 text-center text-md-end pt-2">
-                    <Link
-                      href={`/slick-portfolio${dark ? "-dark" : ""}`}
-                      className="btn btn-mod btn-color btn-large btn-circle btn-hover-anim"
-                    >
-                      <span>View all works</span>
-                    </Link>
-                  </div>
-                </div>
-              </div>
-            </div>
-          </div>
-        </div>
-      </section>
-    </>
-  );