"use client"; import React from "react"; import Image from "next/image"; import FooterSocials from "./FooterSocial"; import { footerLinks, navigationLinks } from "@/data/footer"; export default function Footer8() { const scrollToTop = (event: any) => { event.preventDefault(); window.scrollTo({ top: 0, behavior: "smooth", // Linear easing replacement }); }; return ( <> {/* End Background Shape */}
Your Company Logo Your Company Logo

Integer auctor aliquet martor, sed lorem malesuada eros blandit eget. Proin lacinia mortoc id odio vestibulum.

T. +1 837 652 8800
E. ibthemes21@gmail.com
{/* Footer Widget */}


    {navigationLinks.map((elm: any, i: number) => (
  • {elm.text}
  • ))}
{/* End Footer Widget */} {/* Footer Widget */}

Social Media

{/* End Footer Widget */} {/* Footer Widget */}

Legal & Press

    {footerLinks.map((elm: any, i: number) => (
  • {elm.name}
  • ))}
{/* End Footer Widget */}
{/* Footer Text */}
© IB-Themes {new Date().getFullYear()}.
Based in London, United Kingdom. {/* Back to Top Link */}
Scroll to top
{/* End Back to Top Link */}
{/* End Footer Text */}
); }