/* tslint:disable */ /* eslint-disable */ /** * This file was automatically generated by Payload. * DO NOT MODIFY IT BY HAND. Instead, modify your source Payload config, * and re-run `payload generate:types` to regenerate this file. */ export interface Config { auth: { users: UserAuthOperations; }; collections: { users: User; media: Media; blogs: Blog; pages: Page; teams: Team; blogCategories: BlogCategory; blogTags: BlogTag; forms: Form; 'form-submissions': FormSubmission; 'payload-locked-documents': PayloadLockedDocument; 'payload-preferences': PayloadPreference; 'payload-migrations': PayloadMigration; }; collectionsJoins: {}; collectionsSelect: { users: UsersSelect | UsersSelect; media: MediaSelect | MediaSelect; blogs: BlogsSelect | BlogsSelect; pages: PagesSelect | PagesSelect; teams: TeamsSelect | TeamsSelect; blogCategories: BlogCategoriesSelect | BlogCategoriesSelect; blogTags: BlogTagsSelect | BlogTagsSelect; forms: FormsSelect | FormsSelect; 'form-submissions': FormSubmissionsSelect | FormSubmissionsSelect; 'payload-locked-documents': PayloadLockedDocumentsSelect | PayloadLockedDocumentsSelect; 'payload-preferences': PayloadPreferencesSelect | PayloadPreferencesSelect; 'payload-migrations': PayloadMigrationsSelect | PayloadMigrationsSelect; }; db: { defaultIDType: number; }; globals: { 'google-reviews': GoogleReview; contacts: Contact; }; globalsSelect: { 'google-reviews': GoogleReviewsSelect | GoogleReviewsSelect; contacts: ContactsSelect | ContactsSelect; }; locale: null; user: User & { collection: 'users'; }; jobs: { tasks: unknown; workflows: unknown; }; } export interface UserAuthOperations { forgotPassword: { email: string; password: string; }; login: { email: string; password: string; }; registerFirstUser: { email: string; password: string; }; unlock: { email: string; password: string; }; } /** * This interface was referenced by `Config`'s JSON-Schema * via the `definition` "users". */ export interface User { id: number; name?: string | null; updatedAt: string; createdAt: string; email: string; resetPasswordToken?: string | null; resetPasswordExpiration?: string | null; salt?: string | null; hash?: string | null; loginAttempts?: number | null; lockUntil?: string | null; password?: string | null; } /** * This interface was referenced by `Config`'s JSON-Schema * via the `definition` "media". */ export interface Media { id: number; alt: string; prefix?: string | null; updatedAt: string; createdAt: string; url?: string | null; thumbnailURL?: string | null; filename?: string | null; mimeType?: string | null; filesize?: number | null; width?: number | null; height?: number | null; focalX?: number | null; focalY?: number | null; } /** * This interface was referenced by `Config`'s JSON-Schema * via the `definition` "blogs". */ export interface Blog { id: number; title: string; slug?: string | null; img: number | Media; content: { root: { type: string; children: { type: string; version: number; [k: string]: unknown; }[]; direction: ('ltr' | 'rtl') | null; format: 'left' | 'start' | 'center' | 'right' | 'end' | 'justify' | ''; indent: number; version: number; }; [k: string]: unknown; }; categories?: (number | BlogCategory)[] | null; tags?: (number | BlogTag)[] | null; meta?: { title?: string | null; description?: string | null; canonical_url?: string | null; }; createdBy?: (number | null) | User; updatedBy?: (number | null) | User; updatedAt: string; createdAt: string; _status?: ('draft' | 'published') | null; } /** * This interface was referenced by `Config`'s JSON-Schema * via the `definition` "blogCategories". */ export interface BlogCategory { id: number; name: string; slug?: string | null; parent_category?: (number | null) | BlogCategory; description?: string | null; updatedAt: string; createdAt: string; } /** * This interface was referenced by `Config`'s JSON-Schema * via the `definition` "blogTags". */ export interface BlogTag { id: number; name: string; slug?: string | null; description?: string | null; updatedAt: string; createdAt: string; } /** * This interface was referenced by `Config`'s JSON-Schema * via the `definition` "pages". */ export interface Page { id: number; title: string; hero_img?: (number | null) | Media; slug?: string | null; layout?: | ( | { content: { root: { type: string; children: { type: string; version: number; [k: string]: unknown; }[]; direction: ('ltr' | 'rtl') | null; format: 'left' | 'start' | 'center' | 'right' | 'end' | 'justify' | ''; indent: number; version: number; }; [k: string]: unknown; }; id?: string | null; blockName?: string | null; blockType: 'contentBlock'; } | { title: string; description: string; buttonText: string; id?: string | null; blockName?: string | null; blockType: 'beforeFooterBlock'; } | { team?: (number | Team)[] | null; id?: string | null; blockName?: string | null; blockType: 'ourTeamBlock'; } | { img: number | Media; content: { root: { type: string; children: { type: string; version: number; [k: string]: unknown; }[]; direction: ('ltr' | 'rtl') | null; format: 'left' | 'start' | 'center' | 'right' | 'end' | 'justify' | ''; indent: number; version: number; }; [k: string]: unknown; }; id?: string | null; blockName?: string | null; blockType: 'horizontalImageContentBlock'; } | { images?: | { image?: (number | null) | Media; id?: string | null; }[] | null; id?: string | null; blockName?: string | null; blockType: 'imageSliderBlock'; } | { boxMenuGridItem?: | { title: string; description?: string | null; href: string; id?: string | null; }[] | null; id?: string | null; blockName?: string | null; blockType: 'boxMenuGridBlock'; } | { id?: string | null; blockName?: string | null; blockType: 'googleReviewBlock'; } | { id?: string | null; blockName?: string | null; blockType: 'contactBlock'; } | { form: number | Form; enableIntro?: boolean | null; introContent?: { root: { type: string; children: { type: string; version: number; [k: string]: unknown; }[]; direction: ('ltr' | 'rtl') | null; format: 'left' | 'start' | 'center' | 'right' | 'end' | 'justify' | ''; indent: number; version: number; }; [k: string]: unknown; } | null; id?: string | null; blockName?: string | null; blockType: 'formBlock'; } )[] | null; meta?: { title?: string | null; description?: string | null; cannonical_url?: string | null; }; createdBy?: (number | null) | User; updatedBy?: (number | null) | User; updatedAt: string; createdAt: string; _status?: ('draft' | 'published') | null; } /** * This interface was referenced by `Config`'s JSON-Schema * via the `definition` "teams". */ export interface Team { id: number; name: string; role: string; img: number | Media; biography?: { root: { type: string; children: { type: string; version: number; [k: string]: unknown; }[]; direction: ('ltr' | 'rtl') | null; format: 'left' | 'start' | 'center' | 'right' | 'end' | 'justify' | ''; indent: number; version: number; }; [k: string]: unknown; } | null; updatedAt: string; createdAt: string; } /** * This interface was referenced by `Config`'s JSON-Schema * via the `definition` "forms". */ export interface Form { id: number; title: string; fields?: | ( | { name: string; label?: string | null; width?: number | null; required?: boolean | null; defaultValue?: boolean | null; id?: string | null; blockName?: string | null; blockType: 'checkbox'; } | { name: string; label?: string | null; width?: number | null; required?: boolean | null; id?: string | null; blockName?: string | null; blockType: 'country'; } | { name: string; label?: string | null; width?: number | null; required?: boolean | null; id?: string | null; blockName?: string | null; blockType: 'email'; } | { name: string; label?: string | null; width?: number | null; defaultValue?: number | null; required?: boolean | null; id?: string | null; blockName?: string | null; blockType: 'number'; } | { name: string; label?: string | null; width?: number | null; defaultValue?: string | null; options?: | { label: string; value: string; id?: string | null; }[] | null; required?: boolean | null; id?: string | null; blockName?: string | null; blockType: 'select'; } | { name: string; label?: string | null; width?: number | null; required?: boolean | null; id?: string | null; blockName?: string | null; blockType: 'state'; } | { name: string; label?: string | null; width?: number | null; defaultValue?: string | null; required?: boolean | null; id?: string | null; blockName?: string | null; blockType: 'text'; } | { name: string; label?: string | null; width?: number | null; defaultValue?: string | null; required?: boolean | null; id?: string | null; blockName?: string | null; blockType: 'textarea'; } )[] | null; submitButtonLabel?: string | null; /** * Choose whether to display an on-page message or redirect to a different page after they submit the form. */ confirmationType?: ('message' | 'redirect') | null; confirmationMessage?: { root: { type: string; children: { type: string; version: number; [k: string]: unknown; }[]; direction: ('ltr' | 'rtl') | null; format: 'left' | 'start' | 'center' | 'right' | 'end' | 'justify' | ''; indent: number; version: number; }; [k: string]: unknown; } | null; redirect?: { url: string; }; /** * Send custom emails when the form submits. Use comma separated lists to send the same email to multiple recipients. To reference a value from this form, wrap that field's name with double curly brackets, i.e. {{firstName}}. You can use a wildcard {{*}} to output all data and {{*:table}} to format it as an HTML table in the email. */ emails?: | { emailTo?: string | null; cc?: string | null; bcc?: string | null; replyTo?: string | null; emailFrom?: string | null; subject: string; /** * Enter the message that should be sent in this email. */ message?: { root: { type: string; children: { type: string; version: number; [k: string]: unknown; }[]; direction: ('ltr' | 'rtl') | null; format: 'left' | 'start' | 'center' | 'right' | 'end' | 'justify' | ''; indent: number; version: number; }; [k: string]: unknown; } | null; id?: string | null; }[] | null; updatedAt: string; createdAt: string; } /** * This interface was referenced by `Config`'s JSON-Schema * via the `definition` "form-submissions". */ export interface FormSubmission { id: number; form: number | Form; submissionData?: | { field: string; value: string; id?: string | null; }[] | null; updatedAt: string; createdAt: string; } /** * This interface was referenced by `Config`'s JSON-Schema * via the `definition` "payload-locked-documents". */ export interface PayloadLockedDocument { id: number; document?: | ({ relationTo: 'users'; value: number | User; } | null) | ({ relationTo: 'media'; value: number | Media; } | null) | ({ relationTo: 'blogs'; value: number | Blog; } | null) | ({ relationTo: 'pages'; value: number | Page; } | null) | ({ relationTo: 'teams'; value: number | Team; } | null) | ({ relationTo: 'blogCategories'; value: number | BlogCategory; } | null) | ({ relationTo: 'blogTags'; value: number | BlogTag; } | null) | ({ relationTo: 'forms'; value: number | Form; } | null) | ({ relationTo: 'form-submissions'; value: number | FormSubmission; } | null); globalSlug?: string | null; user: { relationTo: 'users'; value: number | User; }; updatedAt: string; createdAt: string; } /** * This interface was referenced by `Config`'s JSON-Schema * via the `definition` "payload-preferences". */ export interface PayloadPreference { id: number; user: { relationTo: 'users'; value: number | User; }; key?: string | null; value?: | { [k: string]: unknown; } | unknown[] | string | number | boolean | null; updatedAt: string; createdAt: string; } /** * This interface was referenced by `Config`'s JSON-Schema * via the `definition` "payload-migrations". */ export interface PayloadMigration { id: number; name?: string | null; batch?: number | null; updatedAt: string; createdAt: string; } /** * This interface was referenced by `Config`'s JSON-Schema * via the `definition` "users_select". */ export interface UsersSelect { name?: T; updatedAt?: T; createdAt?: T; email?: T; resetPasswordToken?: T; resetPasswordExpiration?: T; salt?: T; hash?: T; loginAttempts?: T; lockUntil?: T; } /** * This interface was referenced by `Config`'s JSON-Schema * via the `definition` "media_select". */ export interface MediaSelect { alt?: T; prefix?: T; updatedAt?: T; createdAt?: T; url?: T; thumbnailURL?: T; filename?: T; mimeType?: T; filesize?: T; width?: T; height?: T; focalX?: T; focalY?: T; } /** * This interface was referenced by `Config`'s JSON-Schema * via the `definition` "blogs_select". */ export interface BlogsSelect { title?: T; slug?: T; img?: T; content?: T; categories?: T; tags?: T; meta?: | T | { title?: T; description?: T; canonical_url?: T; }; createdBy?: T; updatedBy?: T; updatedAt?: T; createdAt?: T; _status?: T; } /** * This interface was referenced by `Config`'s JSON-Schema * via the `definition` "pages_select". */ export interface PagesSelect { title?: T; hero_img?: T; slug?: T; layout?: | T | { contentBlock?: | T | { content?: T; id?: T; blockName?: T; }; beforeFooterBlock?: | T | { title?: T; description?: T; buttonText?: T; id?: T; blockName?: T; }; ourTeamBlock?: | T | { team?: T; id?: T; blockName?: T; }; horizontalImageContentBlock?: | T | { img?: T; content?: T; id?: T; blockName?: T; }; imageSliderBlock?: | T | { images?: | T | { image?: T; id?: T; }; id?: T; blockName?: T; }; boxMenuGridBlock?: | T | { boxMenuGridItem?: | T | { title?: T; description?: T; href?: T; id?: T; }; id?: T; blockName?: T; }; googleReviewBlock?: | T | { id?: T; blockName?: T; }; contactBlock?: | T | { id?: T; blockName?: T; }; formBlock?: | T | { form?: T; enableIntro?: T; introContent?: T; id?: T; blockName?: T; }; }; meta?: | T | { title?: T; description?: T; cannonical_url?: T; }; createdBy?: T; updatedBy?: T; updatedAt?: T; createdAt?: T; _status?: T; } /** * This interface was referenced by `Config`'s JSON-Schema * via the `definition` "teams_select". */ export interface TeamsSelect { name?: T; role?: T; img?: T; biography?: T; updatedAt?: T; createdAt?: T; } /** * This interface was referenced by `Config`'s JSON-Schema * via the `definition` "blogCategories_select". */ export interface BlogCategoriesSelect { name?: T; slug?: T; parent_category?: T; description?: T; updatedAt?: T; createdAt?: T; } /** * This interface was referenced by `Config`'s JSON-Schema * via the `definition` "blogTags_select". */ export interface BlogTagsSelect { name?: T; slug?: T; description?: T; updatedAt?: T; createdAt?: T; } /** * This interface was referenced by `Config`'s JSON-Schema * via the `definition` "forms_select". */ export interface FormsSelect { title?: T; fields?: | T | { checkbox?: | T | { name?: T; label?: T; width?: T; required?: T; defaultValue?: T; id?: T; blockName?: T; }; country?: | T | { name?: T; label?: T; width?: T; required?: T; id?: T; blockName?: T; }; email?: | T | { name?: T; label?: T; width?: T; required?: T; id?: T; blockName?: T; }; number?: | T | { name?: T; label?: T; width?: T; defaultValue?: T; required?: T; id?: T; blockName?: T; }; select?: | T | { name?: T; label?: T; width?: T; defaultValue?: T; options?: | T | { label?: T; value?: T; id?: T; }; required?: T; id?: T; blockName?: T; }; state?: | T | { name?: T; label?: T; width?: T; required?: T; id?: T; blockName?: T; }; text?: | T | { name?: T; label?: T; width?: T; defaultValue?: T; required?: T; id?: T; blockName?: T; }; textarea?: | T | { name?: T; label?: T; width?: T; defaultValue?: T; required?: T; id?: T; blockName?: T; }; }; submitButtonLabel?: T; confirmationType?: T; confirmationMessage?: T; redirect?: | T | { url?: T; }; emails?: | T | { emailTo?: T; cc?: T; bcc?: T; replyTo?: T; emailFrom?: T; subject?: T; message?: T; id?: T; }; updatedAt?: T; createdAt?: T; } /** * This interface was referenced by `Config`'s JSON-Schema * via the `definition` "form-submissions_select". */ export interface FormSubmissionsSelect { form?: T; submissionData?: | T | { field?: T; value?: T; id?: T; }; updatedAt?: T; createdAt?: T; } /** * This interface was referenced by `Config`'s JSON-Schema * via the `definition` "payload-locked-documents_select". */ export interface PayloadLockedDocumentsSelect { document?: T; globalSlug?: T; user?: T; updatedAt?: T; createdAt?: T; } /** * This interface was referenced by `Config`'s JSON-Schema * via the `definition` "payload-preferences_select". */ export interface PayloadPreferencesSelect { user?: T; key?: T; value?: T; updatedAt?: T; createdAt?: T; } /** * This interface was referenced by `Config`'s JSON-Schema * via the `definition` "payload-migrations_select". */ export interface PayloadMigrationsSelect { name?: T; batch?: T; updatedAt?: T; createdAt?: T; } /** * This interface was referenced by `Config`'s JSON-Schema * via the `definition` "google-reviews". */ export interface GoogleReview { id: number; ratingValue: number; totalRating: number; ratings?: | { ratingValue: number; description: string; id?: string | null; }[] | null; updatedAt?: string | null; createdAt?: string | null; } /** * This interface was referenced by `Config`'s JSON-Schema * via the `definition` "contacts". */ export interface Contact { id: number; location?: { street?: string | null; city?: string | null; state?: string | null; postcode?: string | null; href?: string | null; iframeSrc?: string | null; }; phone?: string | null; fax?: string | null; facebook?: string | null; linkedin?: string | null; hours?: | { hour?: string | null; id?: string | null; }[] | null; updatedAt?: string | null; createdAt?: string | null; } /** * This interface was referenced by `Config`'s JSON-Schema * via the `definition` "google-reviews_select". */ export interface GoogleReviewsSelect { ratingValue?: T; totalRating?: T; ratings?: | T | { ratingValue?: T; description?: T; id?: T; }; updatedAt?: T; createdAt?: T; globalType?: T; } /** * This interface was referenced by `Config`'s JSON-Schema * via the `definition` "contacts_select". */ export interface ContactsSelect { location?: | T | { street?: T; city?: T; state?: T; postcode?: T; href?: T; iframeSrc?: T; }; phone?: T; fax?: T; facebook?: T; linkedin?: T; hours?: | T | { hour?: T; id?: T; }; updatedAt?: T; createdAt?: T; globalType?: T; } /** * This interface was referenced by `Config`'s JSON-Schema * via the `definition` "auth". */ export interface Auth { [k: string]: unknown; } declare module 'payload' { export interface GeneratedTypes extends Config {} }